Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Haikū 80

More from the hand-written Haikū archives.

Navigate  -  01 Aug 10

You are the star by
which I navigate through this
world now ... every day

"Dreaming You"  -  01 Aug 10

Dreaming you into
my world ~ so I can have you
here with me always

"Dark Day"  -  01 Aug 10

Day, though early ...dark
Damp grass, grey sky, vision ... cloud
nobody smiling

"Mind's Eye"  -  01 Aug 10

Mind's eye sees the Sun
basking in its warmth, I sit
Dreaming other days

Icarus  -  02 Aug 10

Modern Icarus
I flew too close to your Sun
Your beauty burned me

There will be more soon.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. LOVE this assortment of haikū ~ especially "Navigate" "Dreaming You" and "Icarus" ~ all wonderful! your haiku/senryu are amazing! (and your gogyohka and longer poetry.}

    1. Thank you dani ♥ I Love your comments and it pleases me that you like my short and middle length poems.
