Monday, 4 March 2013

Haikū 71

Another little selection from the hand-written Haikū archives.

Relaunching  -  15 Jul 10

Relaunching random
tweets ... not quite so random now
Anybody care?

After Rain  -  15 Jul 10

Wind after the rain
Fast-flying clouds smear the sun
into the background

Rattler  -  15 Jul 10

The Rattler offers
delicious cloudy cider ~
Advert not needed

Drop  -  17 Jul 10

Love given freely
one drop enriches all things ...
fills the Universe

Bush  -  17 Jul 10

A bird in the hand ...
Too obvious ~ but the bush
can hold so much more

More things ~ Haikū, Gogyohka and Poems ~ to come soon.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. "clouds smear the sun
    into the background"

    stunning imagery! i LOVE "Drop" as well ~ another wonderful assortment of haikū, Ainsley!

    i first read "A bird in the hand..."
    as "A bush in the hand..."
    oops! {smile}

  2. Hmmmm ~ interesting comments dani ♥ thank you for all of them.
