Thursday, 14 March 2013

Haikū 77

More from the hand-written Haikū archives.

Asphalt  -  27 Jul 10

Searching for you now
you left no trace of footprints
in asphalt deserts

Hook  -  28 Jul 10

You know what you did ...
bait was set, I swallowed it,
hook, line and sinker

Beyond  -  28 Jul 10

In the spaces beyond
all dreams and imaginings
I will wait for you

Foremost  -  29 Jul 10

In my mind ... foremost
thoughts of you always with me
I'll never forget

Fantasy  -  29 Jul 10

Fantasy ... I play
stirring my dreams ~ bringing thoughts
up to the surface

I don't think that "Beyond" was inspired by Rumi's poem because, at that time, I don't think that I was aware of his writings ~ though it does feel like one of his.

There will be more Haikū and things to come soon.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. i enjoyed ALL of these very much ~ wonderful haikū! i'm not familiar with Rumi's poem that you refer to, though "Beyond" is my favorite of this group.

    1. Strictly Rumi didn't write poetry though his insights and spiritual comments are often transcribed as poems. The quote I alluded to was ...
      “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
      and rightdoing there is a field.
      I'll meet you there."
      Not the same but similar in feel.
      Thank you for your Lovely comments dani ♥
