Sunday, 28 April 2013

Map Of Time

Another poem in the "Map" sequence.  It doesn't seem to have any specific inspiration other than taking the cue from previous poems in the series and a vague hint of Salvador Dali with the rolled clock.

Map Of Time  -  26 Apr 13

Ticking clock
A bell strikes an hour but
I lose count

Where we are
A face shines out an our but
Whose our?

Conducts the choir
Chorus sings a medley
In random keys

Remembered that
Of all the times we see and share
Are any real?

Fingers of light walking
Across the shape of the day ~ into
Time’s map

Another touch of surrealism ~ one day I shall have to work on creating something totally surreal with the assistance of Muse.

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  1. this isn't totally surreal? i don't have much experience with it to know.

    "A face shines out an our but
    Whose our?" is quite intriguing.

    Conducts the choir" is lovely imagery.

    Remembered that
    Of all the times we see and share
    Are any real?" makes me sad.

    "Fingers of light walking
    Across the shape of the day" is stunning!

    i am REALLY loving this series, Ainsley!

    1. Your comments are, as usual, really wonderful dani ♥

      Contemplating that we are all figments of our collective imagination then NOTHING is really real ~ but, isn't our imagination wonderful?

      I'm hoping that there are more "Map" poems to come soon.
