Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Dream Map

This is a continuation of the "Map" series of poems.  Muse suggested that I wrote this yesterday [23 Apr 13] after the poem for the day was posted and so it had to wait before it appeared here.

Dream Map  -  23 Apr 13

Afternoon draws to an end
Evening watches
As we begin
To enter
Our dream

The map of day is ending
We reach the edge
And now …
The map of dream
Is unrolled

The path leads on
Through phantom forests
Surrounding ancient castles
Shrouded in myths
And Elder ways

We ~ wrapped in dream
Caressed by our wishes
Holding each other close
The nightlights of the stars
Guide us

I don't really know if there are more poems in this series but I do know Muse and she often arranges for things to happen.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. i went back to the first poem and read them all sequentially. a fabulous journey, all connected yet each unique. really love these!!!

    1. I feel that what I am doing is writing a story in poetic form ~ would you agree?

      Thank you for your really Lovely comments dani ♥
