Friday, 12 April 2013

Dawn Flight

In early morning yesterday, as I was heading for bed [various things had delayed me] I looked out of my window and saw a flock of starlings sailing against the pale sky.  The seed was set and the whole poem was completed in the darkness of the following night.

Dawn Flight  -  10 Apr 13

In my mind’s ear
I hear the dawn chorus
Looking from my window
I watch the first flights
Starlings start
The feeding patrol

My mind’s eye
Sees the places
They visit and the sights
They gather
As they fly

My mind’s me
Soars with them
I see the world
From moor to sea
And beyond
I fly with the dawn

Interesting how inspiration can be sown by Muse and will grow into something rather unexpected.  Thank you Muse.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. your intro is poetry in itself. i love your near repetition in the beginning of each stanza and "I fly with the dawn" is stunning!

    beautifully written!

    1. I try to make whatever I write feel good and a poetic form seems to work for me.
      Thank you dani ♥ for your Lovely comments.
