Saturday, 20 April 2013

Dark Map

After a comment on yesterday's post suggesting that there were more "Map" poems to come, Muse agreed and showed a few suggestions of her own ... here is the result.

Dark Map  - 19 Apr 13

Cartographers said
“Here be Dragons”
When facts ran out
And the space
Had to be filled

The Dragons watched
As we danced
Through shimmering halls
Across walls
Of starlight

Reflected in the mirror lake
The dark map
Shows the path …
We are invited
By Dragon wings

I feel that there is at least one more poem to come in this series.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. the first verse made me smile. i LOVE ~

    "As we danced
    Through shimmering halls
    Across walls
    Of starlight"

    the final verse is equally as magical!

    1. Here ALWAYS be Dragons ~ I have felt their breath as they sleep beneath the hills.

      Thank you for your Lovely comments dani ♥
      There will be more soon.
