Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Morrow's Map

This poem grew in the afternoon when Muse suggested a slightly new direction and has implied that there is even more to come.

Morrow's Map  -  29 Apr 13

New day blossoms
Threads of sunlight
Wrap my thoughts and take them
Into worlds anew
The legend undrawn …
Dragons ahead?
Or something more wonderful?

Breathe in the essence
Of the blossom
Walk into the day
Look around
Watch for the footprints
That can lead to
New wonders

Watch the way
The map
Unrolls ...

I quite like the way this "Map" series is progressing and I getting a glimpse of new vistas.

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Monday, 29 April 2013

The Other Side

Sitting in my office in the early hours, listening to some new [to me that is] Pink Floyd when Muse suggested a few words and this, rather dark poem was birthed.

The Other Side  -  28 Apr 13

No one told me what to say
No one told me …
What to think
Left alone in some other place
With other thoughts
To keep me company
And torment me
With hidden moods

On the other side
Faint screams
Outline the wizened dreams
Where nightmares are born
Offspring of the bastard spawn
Of derelict fairytales
In sad dreams long lost …

No one told me
There was another side
To every story
Every dream
Left me to suffer in my silence
While dreams screamed
Every night
Every day

I'm not entirely certain what my mood was but it seems to give rise to some interesting thoughts and images.  A thank you to Muse for her suggestions.
I have just noticed that the second to the fifth lines, inclusive, of the second stanza actually rhyme ~ I did not intend that to happen.

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Sunday, 28 April 2013

Map Of Time

Another poem in the "Map" sequence.  It doesn't seem to have any specific inspiration other than taking the cue from previous poems in the series and a vague hint of Salvador Dali with the rolled clock.

Map Of Time  -  26 Apr 13

Ticking clock
A bell strikes an hour but
I lose count

Where we are
A face shines out an our but
Whose our?

Conducts the choir
Chorus sings a medley
In random keys

Remembered that
Of all the times we see and share
Are any real?

Fingers of light walking
Across the shape of the day ~ into
Time’s map

Another touch of surrealism ~ one day I shall have to work on creating something totally surreal with the assistance of Muse.

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Saturday, 27 April 2013

Summer Gone

This was written a few hours before "Looking" but I wanted to post that poem first, just because it felt good.  This poem is somewhat heavier in feel and it grew during the late evening and early night.  It was triggered by hearing a piece of music in which I think I heard some words which resonated and inspired me ... though it could just have been Muse whispering.

Summer Gone  -  25 Apr 13

My arm grabbed
Forcing me to look out the window
I realised
Summer was gone
Where did it go?
Where did you go?
Where did I go?

Thoughts itch in the back
Of my mind
Trying to remember
What we said and
How we felt
Was it really so simple then?
Did we know?

The darkness of times past
Shade the thoughts and shroud them
In colours that never should
Be seen in our lives
Wondering why
I want to return
Is it real?

Light of times to come
Shine through my mind
Melodies mix with laughs
New songs to sing
Where am I going?
Where are the paths leading?

Slightly surreal and somewhat strange but then, we are talking about me.

Friday, 26 April 2013


After all the things I have been posting [and there are more to come in the "Map" series and other things too] I now present a Love poem ~ plain and simple ... if there is such a thing as a "plain and simple" Love poem.

Looking  -  25 Apr 13

I looked for a kiss
……… found it on your lips

I looked for a smile
……… found it in your eyes

I looked for a rainbow
……… found it in your smile

I looked for Love
……… found it in you

I'm rather pleased with this and am hoping that Muse can offer more prompts to me.

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Thursday, 25 April 2013

Map of the Dream

After my comments in the outro of the last poem posted here, in which I stated that I didn't know if there were going to be more in the "Map" series, Muse presented me with ideas for yet another poem.  It has to be said that, I now feel that there are even more to come.

Map of the Dream  -  24 Apr 13

Wrapped in our dreams
Feeling the icicles of night
Chiming in discord
Hearing old words
Ring out

The cracked bell of dream
An impress of dark
Glides against the Moon
And shatters her myth
As we watch

Asking for the dawn to break
A crack of light welcomed
But is it the sun
Or …

Darkness returns
To claim the thoughts
Fantasies fly to taunt the passing
Mares …
We await the next dream

When these new poems are to arrive I cannot guess but I am waiting ...

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Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Dream Map

This is a continuation of the "Map" series of poems.  Muse suggested that I wrote this yesterday [23 Apr 13] after the poem for the day was posted and so it had to wait before it appeared here.

Dream Map  -  23 Apr 13

Afternoon draws to an end
Evening watches
As we begin
To enter
Our dream

The map of day is ending
We reach the edge
And now …
The map of dream
Is unrolled

The path leads on
Through phantom forests
Surrounding ancient castles
Shrouded in myths
And Elder ways

We ~ wrapped in dream
Caressed by our wishes
Holding each other close
The nightlights of the stars
Guide us

I don't really know if there are more poems in this series but I do know Muse and she often arranges for things to happen.

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Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Dawn Love

The three stanzas you see here were birthed on different occasions.  The second one was born first when I was in bed awaiting sleep, quite a few weeks ago.  The first arrived a couple of nights ago, perhaps that should be mornings ago because I was rather late in heading for bed.  The final stanza arrived this afternoon [22 Apr 13] as I was contemplating how to put the poem together.  I feel that all three work rather well as a unified whole.

Dawn Love  -  22 Apr 13

Dawn chorus
In a slightly frosted world
Blackbird sings
A strident solo
While collared doves
A soft choir
Sings a backing song

I declare my Love ~
Spoken in the morning
Breeze ~
She will hear me there

Aria sung
The air is quiet but
Now I hear her voice
Answering me
Sweet words
Fill my ears
And my Heart

There are times when I am certain that Muse plays her little games with me.

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Monday, 22 April 2013

Earth Map

This sequence is progressing further than I first thought it would ~ I am intrigued as to how far Muse will lead me.

Earth Map  -  21 Apr 13

Short night
Day has no time to rest
Before it is reborn

Route is planned
Between sunrise and sunset
Earth awaits our feet

Long day
Night slumbers holding our dream
Day unrolls the map

Journey calls
The distant hills beckon
And so …

Muse obviously wants me to take this even further.  There are some thoughts and ideas forming and I will have to see what comes of it and them.

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Sunday, 21 April 2013

Light Map

The third in the "Map" sequence is now here and ready for viewing.

Light Map  -  20 Apr 13

Sun through leaves
Picks out your lips
Inviting me
To explore you

The map spread
Before me
Made with light
Shines your Love
Onto me

Dreams and sighs
Our thoughts share
A common space
In times of us

We walk on
Into our world
We draw our own map
As we go

I get the feeling that another "Map" poem is cooking ...

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Saturday, 20 April 2013

Dark Map

After a comment on yesterday's post suggesting that there were more "Map" poems to come, Muse agreed and showed a few suggestions of her own ... here is the result.

Dark Map  - 19 Apr 13

Cartographers said
“Here be Dragons”
When facts ran out
And the space
Had to be filled

The Dragons watched
As we danced
Through shimmering halls
Across walls
Of starlight

Reflected in the mirror lake
The dark map
Shows the path …
We are invited
By Dragon wings

I feel that there is at least one more poem to come in this series.

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Friday, 19 April 2013

The Map

I had been watching a couple of vampire + werewolf DVDs¹ when I was nudged by Muse as the darkness fully entered my awareness, this is the resulting poem.

The Map  -  19 Apr 13

Darkness holds a memory
A hint of what is
Of what might have been
And the places
That hold the treasures
Of time and mind

Crystal thoughts
Shining in a translucent
Realm … 
Of worlds and dreams
Held in mind to explore
And savour

One step into the dark
Will show the path
On my hand
In glowing ink
The map is drawn …
I follow

¹ If you really want to know ~ "Underground" and "Underground Evolution" ~ not that this information has any real bearing on the poems.

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Thursday, 18 April 2013

Momentary Day

A chance viewing of a poem written by a young lady, named Ashley, a couple of years ago, caused Muse to bring a couple of words to my attention and the first stanza was born.  It took another hour for the second and another two hours for the final stanza to emerge.

Momentary Day  -  18 Apr 13

Lightning lightening
Splashes …
Fires onto night
Making it day
For an instant

Your Love
Joy into my night
Making it day

In that moment
Of light from Infinity
Turns a momentary spark
Into Eternity

Thank you Muse and thank you Ashley for those couple of words of inspiration.

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Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Haikū 92

Another little selection from the hand-written Haikū archives.

Admire + Mist + Melancholy  -  19 Aug 10

Castle ... mist enshrouds
Melancholy air prevails
Admire the beauty

Somehow + Calling + Remembering  -  19 Aug 10

You're calling to me
now ... across the years somehow
I'm remembering

Rare  -  19 Aug 10

Flavoured with rare spice
our Love ~ new intensity
desire burning

Illusion  -  20 Aug 10

Illusion ~ dancing
Fantasy ~ whirling around
Enjoy while you can

Tell  -  20 Aug 10

I know your secret
I promise I will not tell
I Love you too much

There will be more to come somewhen soon ...

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Night Dance

Another of the poems which grew as I was intending to turn over and go to sleep.  Muse likes to play with my mind ~ actually I quite enjoy it too.

Night Dance  -  16 Apr 13

Moths in a gentle breeze
We danced
Letting the wind
Carry us

Music of the stars
Plays just for us

Only a small poem [but size isn't everything, I'm told] there will be more, both new and old here somewhen soon.

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Monday, 15 April 2013

Gogyohka 7

Another little selection from the hand-written Gogyohka archives.

Waiting  -  14 Aug 10

long since gone
faded into night
Sitting ... watching ... waiting
for the sun to return

Energy I  -  17 Aug 10

I feel you round me
touching me
caressing me
your energy of Love

Energy II  -  17 Aug 10

Watched the sky
Tasted the wind
Felt the sea
The energy
fills me

Energy III  -  17 Aug 10

Touching you
in the night
when nobody else can see
our beautiful energy

Dawn  -  18 Aug 10

Dawn implies dusk
inevitable ...
but carry a candle
and you
will never have darkness

"Energy I" was also posted as an Haikū under a similar name [without the "I" definer] in the Haikū 91 post here on Muse ~ I felt that both versions should be here because they were both originally posted on Twitter or elsewhere.

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Sunday, 14 April 2013

Night Song

I was preparing for bed when Muse offered the first two words, I got into bed and wrote the first stanza on my phone.  I had finished and turned over to sleep when Muse showed me the first words of the second stanza ... here then is the completed work.

Night Song  -  14 Apr 13

Night song
Her words came sweetly
To me
Carried on a breath
Of wind
Her smile
In her gentle sigh
Her eyes
Told me
Showed me
Her Love
For me

Dream dancing
She swept me
In sacred paths
To places that were old
Ancient yet new
Where she could show me
Her Love

After I had written the poem I slept and totally forgot what I had written ~ reading it when I woke I felt that it had been a good suggestion from Muse [nothing new here] and I am always listening for her whispers.

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Saturday, 13 April 2013

Haikū 91

More from the hand-written Haikū archives.

Use [colour + sound + emotion]  -  16 Aug 10

Under pale blue sky
Tregeseal River splashing
Happy ... over rocks

Energy  -  17 Aug 10

I feel you round me
... touching me ... caressing me ...
Your energy ~ Bliss

Remember  -  17 Aug 10

I will remember
those days ... and nights ... shared with you
Treasured forever

Butterfly  -  17 Aug 10

Three dimensional
pirouettes ... twisting around
Butterfly dancing

Mysteries  -  18 Aug 10

I reach for your hand
Let me take you back into
all our mysteries

The mysteries of Love and life ~ magical and wonderful.
More soon ...

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Friday, 12 April 2013

Dawn Flight

In early morning yesterday, as I was heading for bed [various things had delayed me] I looked out of my window and saw a flock of starlings sailing against the pale sky.  The seed was set and the whole poem was completed in the darkness of the following night.

Dawn Flight  -  10 Apr 13

In my mind’s ear
I hear the dawn chorus
Looking from my window
I watch the first flights
Starlings start
The feeding patrol

My mind’s eye
Sees the places
They visit and the sights
They gather
As they fly

My mind’s me
Soars with them
I see the world
From moor to sea
And beyond
I fly with the dawn

Interesting how inspiration can be sown by Muse and will grow into something rather unexpected.  Thank you Muse.

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Haikū 90

More offerings from the hand-written Haikū archives.

Brilliance + Night + Fragile  -  13 Aug 10

Night bears the fragrance
fragile blossoms fill senses
perfume brilliance

Flee  -  15 Aug 10

I would never flee
You mean too much to me now
Cherish you always

Water + Linger + Wonder  -  15 Aug 10

On the bank ~ linger
Watch the water ... looking deep
wonder what's down there

Night + Dance  -  16 Aug 10

Night, her dancing stars
circle endlessly ... wheeling ...
Taking me to dance

"Pilgrim Moon"  -  16 Aug 10

Under Pilgrim Moon
We watch and wait for dawn's light
to shine out anew

There will be more poems of many different flavours soon ...

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Thursday, 11 April 2013

Haikū 89

Another selection from the hand-written Haikū archives.

" ... and " I  -  12 Aug 10

... and then she said, "Look"
Her gaze drew me on, beyond
and, into her Soul

Cloud  -  12 Aug 10

Heavy cloud hunting
the sunset ~ chasing the light
from afternoon sky

"End" in the final line  -  13 Aug 10

I watched you leaving
No goodbye or backward glance
The end of my smiles

"... and" II  - 13 Aug 10

... and when you returned
your smile again lit my life
Beauty filled my world

Superstition  -  13 Aug 10

Ladders ... black cats ... salt
I laugh at superstition
keeping my fingers crossed


The Haikū "End" and "... and" II are a Lovely pair ~ if they hadn't fallen on the same group of archive offerings here I would have added an extra one to keep them together.

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Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Haikū 88

Yet more from the hand-written Haikū archives.

Sensitive  -  11 Aug 10

Hands ... holding your Soul
Sensitive to the feeling
I'm touching your Love

Origin  -  11 Aug 10

Self Love ~ origin
of all Love ~ show Love to you ...
show Love to the world

Broken Hearted  -  11 Aug 10

I'm broken hearted ...
If I cannot have your Love,
don't know what to do

Filter  -  12 Aug 10

Seeing the world through
Rose-tinted EYES ... better than
a filter or specs

Pointing  -  12 Aug 10

Light behind me now
Loaded brush touches canvas
pointing out the way

There will be more to come somewhen soon...

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Monday, 8 April 2013

Wind Dancer

In a moment when attention is supposedly applied somewhere else, I heard the wind outside the window and the first stanza of this poem arrived almost complete.  Muse requested that it was transcribed and when the rest formed I felt that it was ready to post here.

Wind Dancer  -  07 Apr 13

In the darkness
Wind talks
Howls through cracks
Whistles from the keyholes
Drives the rain
To drum on windows
Invitation to the dance

Fife and drum
Play a merry tune
A flurry of carefree feet
And the bourrée begins

In the darkness
Wind walks
Dancing through all the
Secret places
Invitation is given
For you to follow
In the dance

Curious how Muse picks interesting moments in which to present me with a source of inspiration.

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Sunday, 7 April 2013


Just thinking little Lovely thoughts brought this poem to the surface and I am very pleased with the result.

Touching  -  06 Apr 13

She smiled …
Raised her hand …
… Slowly …
Caressed my cheek
Fingertips traced my smile …
Then invited a kiss

I kissed
Raised my hand …
Took hers and kissed it
… Gently …
Her eyes watched me
And like an ocean
Enveloped me

Love holds us
In its warm embrace
Infinity wraps us
And shows us
The open door to
Love …
We enter

Muse offers things to my waking mind ... and sometimes to my sleeping mind too ... but this was definitely a waking moment.

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Saturday, 6 April 2013

Colours of Evening

Looking out of my "office" window toward the West, my gaze was drawn to the sky and this poem grew quite quickly.

Colours of Evening  -  05 Apr 13

Pale salmon
Floats across cerulean
Crows return by twos
To roost
Old gold sunset
Has a smoky hue

Tasting the colours
Fleeting images
Fast changing flavours
As evening
Paints the world
With a soft brush

Muse has some interesting ways to lead me to be inspired.

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Friday, 5 April 2013

Haikū 87

More from the hand-written Haikū archives.

Mantra + Red + Appetite  -  10 Aug 10

My hand holds red blooms
always whet my appetite
My mantra of Love

Rib  -  10 Aug 10

I feel your breath now ...
on my chest, against my rib,
the sweet warmth of you

"Lost ... "  -  10 Aug 10

She smiled ~ touched my Heart
She asked "Will you come with me?"
Lost ... in that moment

Whispered  -  10 Aug 10

You whispered my name
where I least expected it ...
deep within my Soul

Shun  -  11 Aug 10

Darkness welcomes me ...
in my life as a vampire
I shun the sunlight

Another variant on shun ~ I think this is the third version.
Move Haikū to come and other things too ...

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Thursday, 4 April 2013

Gogyohka 6

A few more offerings from the hand-written Gogyohka archives.

Desire  -  04 Aug 10

expressed in poem
dancing with my thoughts
Suddenly ...
Laid open to you

Nothingness  -  06 Aug 10

Fragmented image
words torn from the page
cascade into nothingness
Unexpected outcome
of a random event

"What Big Teeth You Have"  -  08 Aug 10

My thoughts, WHAT drives them?
BIG ideas held
in the TEETH of a gale
as YOU watch
I HAVE dreams

Listen  -  10 Aug 10

In the far distance
I hear the voice whisper
"Listen to your Heart
... be guided."
Love has a way

Shun  -  11 Aug 10

I offered you affection
Please do not
turn away
Please do not
shun me

Comments ...
I took liberties with "What Big Teeth You Have" ~ I think the prompt really wanted to see the phrase kept intact.
"Shun" has  never been published before and it has a similar feel to an Haikū which appeared in the archive sequence a little while ago.

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Tuesday, 2 April 2013


This is the first esoteric, or even occult, poem I have written for an age.  I am rather pleased with the result.

Labyrinth  -  02 Apr 13

The labyrinth of the mind
Lies behind the secret doors
That hide the mysteries
In plain view

Wolf chants a lullaby
In ancient sacred words
Only the raven knows
The hidden meanings

Raven watches as we dance
The labyrinth and see
Vistas unfold to us
Circling ~ opening our minds

Wolf and raven leave a trail
Of words for us to follow
Beyond the labyrinth’s centre
Opens us to the mysteries

There may well be more of these poems somewhen soon.  Thank you Muse.

Seven-ring classical labyrinth of unknown age ...
Seven-ring classical labyrinth of unknown age in Rocky Valley near Tintagel, Cornwall, UK. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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Monday, 1 April 2013


An accidental viewing of an hourglass on someone's blog really tickled my thoughts and I had to write this.

Hourglass  -  01 Apr 13

Sand trickling down
Forming mountains

Look carefully within
See the footprints
On the shore

Never filled
By the falling sand
Remembered feet

Eternity’s gift
One word that says our Love

Muse approved of this image.

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