Friday, 31 May 2013

Deserted Dreams

I was reading a poem by my Lovely friend dani when Muse suggested that I paid more attention to two words.  I asked permission to use them and the poem flowed very quickly.

Deserted Dreams  -  30 May 13

On an old tired landscape
Shapes lie abandoned
Like old memories
Near forgotten
From mind

Crying in the wilderness
Of yesterday
Hanging on the thorns
Of misremembered days
Like tattered cloth
Deserted dreams

They hope to be collected
Patched ~ pieced together
Made whole again
To fill the space left
Where the dreams
Used to play

The poem I read can be found here ~ 

~ and I really would Love to thank dani for permission to quote from her poem.

I would also thank Muse for drawing my attention to these words.

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Thursday, 30 May 2013

Water Of Peace

This poem grew in the night as I listened to the rain beating against my "office" window.  The seeming anger of the first stanza was offset just as I was trying to sleep when Muse offered the second stanza ~ I had to put it on my phone so that I wouldn't forget it before I woke.

Water Of Peace  -  29 May 13

Talking rain
Coarse words in the darkness
No whispers
After dark
Or dreams of day
In momentary distraction
Drops scratching at the window
Demanding to be allowed in

Always waiting patiently
With open arms
Singing a gentle lullaby
The Ocean welcomes
The rain back to her
Eternal Love ~ eternal peace

When Muse suggests I have to listen ~ even if it means waking and writing something.

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Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Rain Land

This is the result of one of the most extensive re-writes I have ever undertaken.  A lot of the original words are still present but there have been a lot of additional parts added.  I feel that the end result justifies the extra work.

Rain Land  -  27 May 13

Rain darked sky
A spark within me
Illuminates the world

Feel the rain and
Throw your own rainbows

Through the sky
Whispers suggest
Always something new

Spirit says move on
New worlds to explore
New Loves to feel

So ~ moving on
Joyful smile
Love seeking Love

This was originally intended to be part of the "Map" series but Muse thought otherwise, as usual she was correct.

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Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Haikū 93

After quite a long time ~ another selection from the hand-written Haikū archives.

Float  -  21 Aug 10

My mind ~ set adrift
floats through time and space ~ watching
starscapes around me

Blood  -  22 Aug 10

Evening ~ painted sky
Blood of the sun is dripping
from clouds to the earth

"Panic Attack  -  22 Aug 10

No need to panic ~ 
attack all your fears with zeal
Enjoy life instead

Desire + Lightning + Below  23 Aug 10

Spark of desire
Lightning illuminating
everything below

Twist  -  24 Aug 10

Interesting twist
life presents unexpected
ways to change your view

More poems of all flavours coming soon.

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Monday, 27 May 2013

Enchanted Moon

Another surprise offering in the "Moon" series ~ I wasn't expecting anything but Muse suggested the thunder theme and the rest followed.

Enchanted  Moon  -  26 May 13

A roll of thunder
From a cloudless sky
My Lady Moon
Casts another spell
Sweet enchantment
Holds me to her

Thrice times bound
And thrice again
Then three times more
To wrap the magic of the Moon
Around my Heart
To give it to her

Touch the Moon
Happy I sighed ~ already touching
Touch the Sun
She smiled and reached for me
Permanently bound
In Love and Lust

It isn't considered plagiarism if you take a little piece of one of your own poems, written many years ago and use it in another work ~ is it?  Just wondering ...

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Sunday, 26 May 2013

Spirit Of The Moon

I really do not know how much further this series is going to progress but here is another episode.

Spirit Of The Moon  -  25 May 13

She touched me
In places never felt
In an age
I touched her
In ways that brought
Love’s power to us both

The Spirit of the Moon
Whispered a Love song
To me in the night
Listened as I told her
Of my Love for her
Through Eternity

Moon’s night songs
Spilled into day
Wrapped us both
In sweet fire
Flames of Love burned bright
In us and through us

Fire of passion burned slow
Consumed us in ways
Never imagined
Touching deep within
We fed our fires
Fed them ~ us

I wonder if Muse will offer even more Moon poems.
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Saturday, 25 May 2013

Fog Moon

Another addition to the Moon" sequence, still getting warmer.

Fog Moon  -  23 May 13

Wrapped in our private world
We lay
Moon kissed my thoughts
Gently laughed
As our thoughts
Grew stronger
In our minds

The fog made secret places
For us to play
Moon teased my lips
With brief touches from her lips ~
From her ~
And longing looks
Of burning desire

Our Love took the fog
Wove it into soft fabric
For Moon to wear
And wrap us both in joy
Made a soft bed
Where we could
Blend our joy

I don't know if there are more to come but I hope so.  I think that Muse has promised at least one more poem.

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Friday, 24 May 2013

Crystal Moon

Another of the "Moon" series of poems, my Muse is insisting on more here and she seems to be finding various ways to enter this realm.

Crystal Moon  -  22 May 13

And through the crystal mirror
The Moon gazed
Contemplating the dream
She shared

The dreamer dreamed
And was dreamed
Moon went deep within
And dreamed along

She reached in and took my Heart
Cradled it ~ caressed it
Made my Love her own
Gave her Love to me in return

Lifted me out of the dream
Into her reality
Showed me what she saw
In her Crystal Moon Mirror

By a surprising synchronicity, just as I was completing this poem a tweet floated past on Twitter ...

“As you live deeper in the Heart, the mirror gets clearer and cleaner.” Rumi

I never ignore these little messages from Muse or whomever.

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Thursday, 23 May 2013

Water Moon

The title line, which was the first thing that Muse suggested, sounds like something from the "I Ching" but Moon doesn't appear in the divination book so I had to improvise.  An accidental Haikū set the theme for the poem, so I followed on and added more Haikū till it seemed complete.

Water Moon  -  22 May 13

Moon over water
Dawn dance to welcome my Sun
We danced together

Smiled invitation
Calling me into her arms
To dance beside her

Loving energies
Warming ~ glowing and growing
Flowing through us both

Her touch enflamed me
Fired the passion within
Shared her Love with me

We shared the moment
Drawn together in our dawn
Passion eternal

I always find the suggestions which Muse provides fascinating.

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Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Ice Moon

This poem grew in the late hours of 21 May ~ so no frost, ice or anything ~ beautiful games being played in my mind.

Ice Moon  -  21 May 13

Frosted fields
Tendrils of mist veils
Wrap around the trees
Chills the air
Where the Moon walks

Hot brow
Cool hand touches
The fires rage again
Her eyes pierce me
Impale my Heart
Claims me for herself

Empress of Ice
Moon still holds me
Her fire burns
Through all the ages

Muse plays the Loveliest games ~ thank you Muse.

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Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Moon Fyre

Only the title appeared in my thoughts ~ Muse was playing her usual games ~ but this gave rise to this poem.  Which does, indeed, seem like the second poem in a series.

Moon Fyre  -  21 May 13

Energy of the sun
Courses through
The lantern night
Of a distant dream

She smiles
And gently touches
My lips
Raising the powers

In dark in light
The Fyre of the Moon
Burns the phantoms
Of a sad day

Moon keeps watch
Over me
Gives silver kisses
Warm silver

My thanks go to my Lovely friend dani who did me the very great honour of reblogging my last Moon poem at ~
~ in which she hoped that "One Moon" would be the first of a series.
Her own poems and other writings can be seen at ~ 

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Monday, 20 May 2013

One Moon

This poem grew suddenly and swiftly from a simple sighting of a quote of a Zen saying.
"One moon shows in every pool ~ in every pool one moon"

One Moon  -  19 May 13

She played
Stirred the waters
Into a gentle whirlpool

One Moon showed
A secret face
Never seen
Except by her Lover

One Moon kissed
My reflection as I spun
In her dance
One Moon caressed
My shadow as I rested
One Moon held
My Heart as I gave myself
To her

One Moon ~ the only Moon
Promised me
The Universe
As she gave herself to me

Another of the suggestions to look at something from Muse.

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Sunday, 19 May 2013


Another poem, the birthing of which straddled the midnight hour - so the date given is that of the conception rather than completion.

Butterfly  -  18 May 13

Slow spiral dance
Butterfly knows the moves
Has watched
Through time
Watching us slide
Through every step

Spheres play
An infinite
For us

Symphonic Love songs
Cascade through us
Life through Eternity

Let us sing

I really Love it when Muse offers her little suggestions.

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Saturday, 18 May 2013

Bridge Of Memories

This grew during the afternoon of 15 May and continued to form until it was complete just a few minutes after midnight.  The subject line came from a prompt by Muse but, other than that, I have no idea where it really came from ~ it is not autobiographical from this life at any rate.

Bridge Of Memories  -  15 May 13

Thoughts from the past
Images held
In the palm of my hand
As I cross
The Bridge of Memories
And focus on the
Where and when and why

In a world now faded
Hidden from view
Behind so many veils

Beyond the reach of time
No eyes can see
No ears hear the voices

She cast a spell
Tied my spirit
Bound my body

Bridge ~
The key to freedom
Fist ~
Hold the thoughts
Release ~
Into the stream
Freedom ~
The key is claimed

I thank Muse for the inspiration and wonder if she can give any background information next time.

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Friday, 17 May 2013


This poem follows on from "Wakening" and continues the general feel.

Gathering  -  16 May 13

Fragments gathering
Collected from unexpected places
Taken from hands which wish to keep

Break free ~ fly again
Return home
Welcome them back
Hold them close

Whisper to the whispers
Murmur to them
Sing their songs of

Gathered ~ held ~ reformed
Now whole
Spread your wings
And fly

This poem is, in part, inspired by some Soul Retrieval healing I did on someone.  

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Thursday, 16 May 2013

Imagination [Acrostic]

Another little foray into the world of the acrostic poems.

Imagination  -  15 May 13

In worlds we made
Manifest by our thoughts
Around us
Golden towers of light and
Iridescent crystal
Now shine
Amber incense lifts our
Thoughts from old dreams
Into another place
Out of the old worlds to reach
New worlds to explore

This probably is not the last of these acrostic poems.

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Wednesday, 15 May 2013


This grew, somewhat unexpectedly, in the late evening yesterday and the early morning of today.

Wakening  -  15 May 13

Memories slumbering
In the depths of my mind
Calling to me to stir
The shadows of a thought

Words unspoken
Haunt the recesses
And dark places
Where ghosts never go

Secrets whisper among themselves
Gathering form making shapes
More than just whispers

Then with just a word
From an ancient spell
The fragments gathered

I cannot but help getting the feeling that there is a sequel brewing.

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Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Y Not?

This is a fun little piece ~ primarily it is a Love poem but, as it was developing, I felt that it would be interesting to set myself a bit of a challenge.  I was surprised to find that there are so few useful words beginning with the letter "Y" when trying to write a Love poem ~ here is my offering ...

Y Not?  -  13 May 13

You looked at me
Your eyes smiled a warm greeting
You spoke words of friendship
You hinted at more

Yesterday there was nothing
Yet I always hoped
Yielding to dreams
Yearning for Love

Your eyes asked a question of me
Yet you did not wait
You knew there was only one answer …

I feel that it works rather well.

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Monday, 13 May 2013

Remembered Loves

Yet another Love song ~ I am rather pleased with the way this seems to be progressing.

Remembered Loves  -  13 May 13

Words lost among the stars
Whisper of ancient Loves
From worlds where
You once walked
And shared a kiss and more
With someone special

Tender caresses
Through the night
A sigh carries the words
Yet always heard
By Lovers

Call the lost words home again
Their work is not done
Nor will it be …
Whispers of Love
To be shared by us
Through our Eternity

Then again ~ I am always pleased with how the poems progress and I thank Muse for her suggestions.

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Sunday, 12 May 2013

See Touch You [Acrostic]

This was intended to be a simple acrostic poem but when I looked at it as it was nearly finished I realised that it had a structure beyond what I had intended.  It was, in fact, composed of two Hakiū sandwiched around a Tanka and it only needed a few more syllables to make it complete.

See Touch You  -  12 May 13

Sweet pleasure ~ Loving
Emerging from all our thoughts
Electrify me

Teasing the pleasure
Out from within ~ sharing it ~
Caring through all our movements
Hours together ~ ours

Your Love always is
Ours for sharing ~ infinite
Unlimited ~ Love

This was unplanned ~ apart from the acrostic part ~ but I feel that it works rather well.

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Saturday, 11 May 2013

Dark Guardian

This took about three hours to emerge fully, the first two stanzas appeared before midnight but the final one didn't appear till nearly 02:00 ~ I work best in the early hours.
This poem could be considered as part of the "Dream" sequence with a hint of "Map" in there too.

Dark Guardian  -  10 May 13

Encompassing enveloping
The stars have not seen
Beauty in the cloak
Of midnight dreams

Guardian of the Mysts
The shades in which
Strange things walk
Defenders of the dream
In the warm dark
Womb of night

And in those midnight hours
The dark shall sing
A gentle lullaby
To guide us
Into a starless

Once again I thank Muse for suggesting these ideas.
Before anyone comments, I had no idea that the Dark Guardian was a character from a comic book ~ I just felt that the name was rather interesting.

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Friday, 10 May 2013

Spirit Leading

The first lines of the first two stanzas came into my mind together and I was certain that they were to be offered as the first two lines of a new poem.  I was surprised when Muse suggested that they were to be separated.  I took her suggestion and this is the result.

Spirit Leading  -  08 Mar 13

I walked the paths of night
Through shades of darkness
Along the ancient ways
Between the worlds

Sightless windows
Watch as doors close
On the seamless night
And darkness becomes complete

Spirit needs no eyes
Takes me by the hand
And leads me on toward day
Another light

The veils between the worlds
Now torn allow a glimpse
Of where I am
And where I go

I tend to accept suggestions from Muse ~ she is so often correct

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Thursday, 9 May 2013

Random Wishes

This poem was birthed in the afternoon and I found that the images, both visual and in other sensual forms, started to grow in my mind and I felt that I just had to write it out.

Random Wishes  -  08 May 13

Taste the colours
And ask for a song
To be played
Something soft
In a magenta minor key
To clothe the dreams
I have of you

Smell the words
Roses and honeysuckle
Sketch an image in my mind
Where your song
Plays … gently
And the images of you
Shine brightly

Touch the memories
Held close
And intimate in me
Shared by you forever
Forever ours
To live whenever
We choose

I find that the methods Muse uses to attract my attention are totally fascinating.

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Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Dreams On The Plain

A new offering in the "Dream" sequence which grew unexpectedly in the afternoon yesterday.

Dreams On The Plain  -  07 May 13

Fertile plains
On which seeds of dream
Are sown
Watered by the imagination
And warmed by the flame
Of Love

Full flowered dream
Gathered by those
Who care and wish to share …
We take a single blossom to
Breathe the fragrant
Night thoughts

We grasp the stem
Kiss the petals together and
Our lips meet
The fire of our Love
Spreads from the dream of night
Into the dreams of day

I felt that there were more to come in this series ~ didn't realise that something would come as soon as this ~ thank you Muse.

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Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Map Of Dream

Surprisingly, this ties two recent themes together ~ the "Map" series and the "Dream" sequence ~ though I have no doubt that both will continue further.  I feel that there is more to be said in both of these.

Map Of Dream  -  06 May 13

Worlds where we can play
Touch the sky
Breathe the ocean

Where we can chart
The worlds of our creation
So we can return … whenever

Taste the flavour of our Love
I listen to the words of your song
Join in and create harmony

We chant new worlds
I watch you smile as they are born
New lands to play

The map of our dreams
Will never be complete
Ever growing within us

Thank you to Muse for helping to plait these together ~ though plaiting requires at least three streams ... so...
What next?

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Monday, 6 May 2013

Dream Into Day

This is a continuation of the "Dream" sequence of poems.

Dream Into Day  -  05 May 13

She left an imprint
On my Heart
Of the Love she offered
She took a thousand smiles
From the Love she accepted
I gave

Dream merged into wake
From sleep into a special space
Where dream
The reality of us
In the special
Unique worlds
That are …

I think that there is certainly one more poem to come ... maybe more.

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Sunday, 5 May 2013

Dawn's Dream

The third segment of the "Dream" sequence.

Dawn's Dream  -  03 May 13

Caressed by the night
In the night
As the stars begin to fade
Into the dawn

A Lover’s kiss

Sweet thoughts
A hint of fragrance
From another time
Dawn’s dream

I'm hoping that there are more to come ~ with a little assistance from Muse.

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Saturday, 4 May 2013

Heart Of Dream

Following on from Edge Of Dream, this poem takes the ideas a little further ...

Heart Of Dream  -  03 May 13

Fingertips gently trace
Soft curves
Hint at intimate contacts
To come
In the night ahead

Ears accept
Whispered promises
Lips share
In whispers
Pressed on lips

Eyes closed but
Still they see
Smiles from the dream
Of the Heart
In the night

Hidden to all but the promised
Words of Love
Spoken …
Sharing worlds
In the Heart of Dream

There is another in the "Dream" sequence to come and maybe a fourth as well.  This is entirely due to the influence of Muse and I thank her.

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Friday, 3 May 2013

Map Of The Amethyst World

I had intended to post this yesterday but felt that the poem I did post was, in a lot of ways and for some good reasons, more important.  So I now present the Amethyst Map,

Map Of The Amethyst World  -  01 May 13

Footprints on the waters
Cleaving the waves
Spiral dance
Water born
Carried to the depths

On crystal paths
We walked
Invited on
By a Dolphin’s song
Across the map

Crystal halls
Surround and shine
Through our dreams
Where mysteries are told

Records in the Amethyst
Inscribed ~ shown
As we read

Dolphins give us Amethysts
Then request that we

Move on

I can feel that there are more Maps to come.  I know that Muse would like me to add more.

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Thursday, 2 May 2013

Edge Of Dream

This was not the poem I had intended to post today but when Muse prompted me in the very early hours of today to place these words on "paper" I couldn't resist.  It is another of the "Love Poem" offerings and called rather loudly to be posted.

Edge Of Dream  -  02 May 13

Edge of dream
As darkness falls
I go within
And see my world
As I never have

Ruffled feathers
Cascade across a random
Sky of faded cloud
Stars dance
To an ancient rhyme

You watch
Keep time with a gentle wave
Your smile
Keeps time
With mine

A soft sweet kiss
And I journey further
Taking you with me
Into the edge
Of my dream

I'm rather pleased with the poem and Muse is happy that I decided to post it now.

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Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Map Of Myth

This "Map" poem grew in the afternoon and seemed to be a response to thoughts I had been having about some meditation experiences from a few years ago.

Map Of Myth  -  30 Apr 13

Forms around us
Keeping pace
Protecting our dream
As we move through the day

Unicorns walk beside
In the forest glade
Their smiling shining thoughts
Light the day
More than the sun

Wrapped in cerulean
Dragons of many colours
A spiral dance

The Map holds many truths
Here be Dragons ~ yes often said
Here be Unicorns ~ never be mentioned
Yet here they walk
With many other beings
… And we

Maybe there will be more of these to come ~ I can think of one that could be used.
Thank you Muse for the suggestions.

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