Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Temptations [Moon-Wind II]

As promised, here is another of the Moon-Wind sequence of poems.  It grew in the afternoon while I should have been giving my attention to something else but Muse offered three lines for me to work with and they became this poem.

Temptations [Moon-Wind II]  -  06 Feb 13

In a soft afternoon
Flavoured with the flowers
Of a golden day
The warm wine of the Sun
Intoxicating ~ stimulating
Bringing her essence to me

She offered delights
Tempting me with thoughts
Actions ~ movements ~ sensuous
She bade me smell
The soft Moon-wind
Savour it within me

Pressed against me ~ inviting me
Her eyes gazed deep into mine
Caressing without touching me
Offered her chalice to me
She asked me to drink
The nectar of her Orchid

I thank Muse for the suggestions for today's poem and an on-going thank you to dani who thought that the original Haikū which included the Moon-Wind reference would make a good poem if expanded.

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  1. very sensuous, both in a sexual way and the way you have included taste, touch, scent...

    i really love this one!

  2. Thank you dani ♥ for your Wonderful comments ~ I particularly thank you for your initial suggestion.

    I am convinced that there is at least one more poem to come ~ maybe more, I hope.
