Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Close Your Eyes

The first stanza grew just before I went to sleep and the remainder flowered this afternoon.  The date remains valid because I am a "late to bed ~ late to rise" kind of person.
I present this new poem for your consideration.

Close Your Eyes  -  12 Feb 13

Close your eyes
Let your thoughts wander
Through our dream
Can you see me?
Can you feel my touch?

Crimson velvet petals ~ soft
Caressing visions of Love
Sweet perfume touches
My senses ~ enflaming thoughts
Dreams awaken

Sketched in Amethyst
Drawn in future memories
May be ~ might be
Or have they already happened?
Living them now

Closed eyes
Taste the rose
Feel the Amethyst dream
Remember when
Touch We now

More thanks are due to Muse for her little suggestions.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. i love your "dream" poems, Ainsley ~ almost surreal, but not quite. a very romantic feel to this one.

    1. There is a hint of the surreal in a lot of my poems - this satisfies me and pleases me that you see it too dani ♥
