Sunday, 27 January 2013

Haikū 57

Another little selection from the hand-written Haikū archives.

Possibilities  -  11 Jun 10

In my Universe
So Lovely and Infinite

Clouds  -  11 Jun 10

Clouds are telling tales
Mare's tails flailing in the wind
Manes blown across sky

Pressure  -  12 Jun 10

The gentle pressure
of your Heart on mine ~ in mine ~
Lets me feel your Love

Purchase  -  12 Jun 10

A slippery slope
no purchase ... I slipped again
You reached out ~ helped me

Charcoal  -  13 Jun 10

Sketched in charcoal line
Our Love is illustrated
on the paper sheet

There seems to be a Love theme in this set.  More to come soon.


  1. your romantic poems are my favorite! beautiful!!

    1. I try to offer a variety of themes but I have to admit to a certain fondness for the romantic poems dani ♥
