Tuesday, 4 June 2013


This could be described as another of my "limite surréaliste" poems ~ I leave it to you to decide.

Unknown  - 03 Jun 13

Wrapped in discomfort
Said in haste
As if they needed
To hurry

Clothed in sunset songs
The shining silence
Of a wordless hymn
Formed from a canticle
Of darkness

In the unknown darkness
Of an unlimited place
Where thoughts meld
And share a space
With words

Opening the dark
Shaving the moments
From the day
Borderline madness
From which truth is born

Muse is having fun with my mind ~ I rather like it.
For those who haven't been following ~ I am using the phrase "limite surréaliste" to indicate where my works are borderline surreal.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. " Words
    Wrapped in discomfort
    Said in haste
    As if they needed
    To hurry"

    absolutely stunning!

    i do so enjoy your limite surréaliste poetry, Ainsley!

    i must read these multiple times as i see something new with each reading ~ LOVE them.

    1. +So happy to have you read my offerings multiple times.

      Thank you for your Lovely comments dani ♥ I really do appreciate them.
