Saturday, 29 June 2013

Game Of Whispers

This is another of my "limite surréaliste" poems ~ see what you think and feel.

Game Of Whispers  -  28 Jun 13

In another world
Under a different sun
We played a game
Of whispers
Can you see
The pilgrim stars
On their journey home
Have you heard
The trees encouraging
Flowers to become taller
Our whispers cuddle
On a bed of petals
Flower rain
Paint my dreams
With yours

Wondering where these "Games" are leading and where they will be played out

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. i love your 'limite surréaliste' poems ~

    "Can you see
    The pilgrim stars
    On their journey home"

    a striking phrase! très intrigante!

    1. I tiens à offrir intrigue quand je le peux.

      Thank you for your Lovely comments dani ♥
