Monday, 1 July 2013


Not entirely certain where the inspiration for this came but it feels comfortable.

Lantern  -  30 Jun 13

Sun kisses the horizon
As he prepares to rest
Earth welcomes him back
To her bosom
To sleep for another night

I light the lantern
To let the Moon know …
I am awake …
I am here

Short but good ~ at least I think so ... [little smile as I type this].

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. ooooooh! and who are you? we have the Sun, the Earth, the Moon. you use the singular so you are not the Stars. an unknown (to us) watcher? keeper of the change of the guard? fascinating!

    i quite like this!

    1. I am the keeper of the Keys and the Lantern's Light.

      I Love your comment dani ♥ thank you.
