Sunday, 16 May 2010

Let Me...

From just a few words spoken to me, this poem simmered in my mind through the night and I woke with it nearly complete...a few moments more and a cascade of words later it was birthed.

Let Me... - 16 May 10

Let me be your sun
I will kiss your hair
Stroke your shoulders
Warm you with my love

Let me be your rain
To cool you in
The summer heat
And wash the dust
From your feet

Let me be your breeze
To caress your cheeks
Stroke your neck
Ruffle your hair
Run with you
When you play

Let me be the sand
Beneath your feet
As you walk beside the sea
And dream
Of sunsets
And other worlds

"Let me..." an offer that cannot be refused perhaps.

1 comment:

  1. Wow closing my eyes I see you
    being free with your love.... oh yes
    being all the elements
    rain and wind
    sun and sand
    and the ways we touch the world
    and the world touches us back
    love reaches
    it is a wave
    it can act in any way
    weave your wonders
    with your love
    in the day
    in the dream
