Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Two from 1983

Going back in time for a look at what seemed to be my state of mind then, I'm not certain that it was a pretty sight but this does show where I was and it may show how I got where I am now.

The Real World 24 Feb 83


I see it; through the window
Flyspecked, dirt from the windblown rain
Fails to disguise the grey street
Littered with patchwork cars,
Peopled with the faceless people
Passing eternally


I see it; there, through the window
In the door. Yellowed frostbitten grass,
Too long, from my failure to cut it.
Lying flat across the ground.
Hopeful blackbirds and starlings
Scrape at the ground, peck at the pond
Both ice hard, ungiving


I see it; there through the window
In the box in the corner of the room
The gaudy Technicolor™ happenings
Happen in the comfort of my own room
Watch the forest fires without the smell of smoke
Watch the people work without the smell of sweat
Watch the bullets fly without the smell of fear
Safe in my well insulated home
In my well insulated mind

Winter of the Year 28 Dec 83

The winter of the year
Though warm
And dry and faintly welcoming
Still holds the death
And torment.
Sunset tears the day in half
Before; the light
And then the darkness
Living through the darkness
Living through the night
Praying that the dawn will come
To relieve the loneliness

It was a strange time in my life, I was still living in Charlton [London, UK] and it shows. I think that the next posting will have to be somewhat lighter - if only to cheer me up.

Once again no illustrations because I don't feel that any are necessary.

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