Thursday, 8 August 2013

Opening Senses

I feel that this is really a story but it did not have the courage to enter prose.  Never mind, it still works I feel.

Opening Senses  -  08 Aug 13

Eyes see what
The mind thinks
Ears hear what
Is often not there
Tongue tastes what
Can be a memory
Nose smells what
Is a suggestion
Lips kiss what
A fantasy presents
Closing disillusion
Eyes see the beauty
Ears hear the symphony
Tongue tastes the nectar
Nose smells a single flower
Lips kiss the Love

It may well be converted at some point though.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. oh, i think the rhythm is perfect for a poem! though i would love to see it in prose as well. this is one of my new favorites!!!

    1. At some point I would like to write the alternate versions of my works but, in general, I feel that there is no real need. Still it might make for an interesting project.
      Thank you for your Lovely comments dani ♥
