Friday 14 December 2012

Haikū 39

A few more offerings from my hand-written Haikū archives.

Broken  -  09 May 10

I broke my own Heart
I dropped it ... you picked it up
Held it close to yours

Smile  -  10 May 10

Speak your smile, even
When nobody can see you
They will catch one too

Join  -  11 May 10

I said ... join with me
Come let us explore our world
All our tomorrows

Pout  -  11 May 10

Said ~ "I'm not happy"
Gave me a pout to prove it ...
I had to kiss it

Suspense  -  12 May 10

Aching ... no answer
Suspense is messing with me
Does she think of me?

There are a lot more to come...


  1. a very diverse grouping of haikū and i love every one!

    "Broken" is lovely
    "Smile" made me smile
    "Join" is romantic
    "Pout" is charming
    "Suspense" is filled with longing

    wonderful, one and all!

    1. Thank you dani ♥ I Love your comments ~ they are really Lovely ♥
