Thursday, 11 March 2010

The Thought [Chrysalis Sequence VI]

This poem marks a change in mood and is two-thirds of the way through the sequnce.

The Thought - 08 Mar 10

Crystal memories
Indeterminate age
Yet somehow

I remember,
I think I remember,
Times when we shared
And our thoughts
Were all we had
All we cared about
All that mattered

Now in a grey haze
I hold that thought
To anchor me
In my me
So, as change
Overtakes me,
I have something
To dream on

Feeling the shifts, wondering how much of me is in what Muse is pulling out to display here.

1 comment:

  1. change.. the world is in constant flux
    always good to have a spot to focus on
    so you don't fall off
    when the shift comes

    swirling memories
    without beginning or end
    I know that feeling
    as I ask them 'when'
    did you come?
    did we see?
    and listen for the answers
    blowing in the wind

    this has been as lovely sequence so far
    enjoying the unfolding
