Sunday, 7 March 2010

Forgotten Years [Chrysalis Sequence II]

This arrived faster than I expected and I typed it on my computer before I retired for my night. This is the second poem in the Chrysalis Sequence...

Forgotten Years - 06 Mar 10

Trying to remember
Where I put my life
All the things
I said would stay with me
Have faded...
I didn't want them to go

How long have I been here
I do not know
Days blend into each other
And my mind

I really do not know what to say about where these poems are leading, perhaps I should just watch and wait for the sequence to unfold.


  1. Ainsley~

    I can't wait to see them unfold. You're mind is as sharp as ever my LOVELY one.


  2. walking through life
    we tuck things away in our pockets
    and in our hearts
    telling ourselves
    I'll want this forever
    then forever shows you a face
    you do not recognize
    and you see
    that you have been walking backwards
    in the sea
