Sunday, 17 January 2010

We Are Here

This poem grew part way then rested for a day before emerging today after Muse got my attention again.

We Are Here - 17 Jan 10

I am here
She said and smiled to me

We walked along the strand
Our fingers entwined
Gentle waves
Lapping over our feet

Our eyes met
We recognised ourselves
In that look
We remembered
Our eternity together

I am here I said
And looked into her eyes

We paused in the waves
I wrapped my arms
Around her
And kissed
Her smile

Knowing our We
We understand our I
And can journey into
Our future together

We are here
We said...and walked on

I have made many journeys to the edge of the sea to touch eternity,

1 comment:

  1. to the edge and beyond I see
    the energy speaks to me
    seeing the edge of the sea
    I can see
    all that comes
    all the flows
    and all the love they show
    wrapped in waves of embrace
    the time lines are erased
    did we meet here before?
    am I early and thus have to wait
    until I see you at the gate
    walking down to the shore
    to jump in once more.
