Thursday, 28 January 2010

Sharing Dreams

Another little love poem, quite a few of these seem to be coming through at this time - I'm not complaining.

Sharing Dreams - 28 Jan 10

You knew,
I showed you a little part
Of my dream
You took it
Played with it and stroked it
And showed it some of yours

They moved
As if one
And in their dance
They took my Soul
To show me yours

Together we lit the flame
That we knew
Would burn forever
Fuelled by the love
We shared

Interesting how these poems seem to gather in groups; some love poems, some neutral and others which defy categorising.

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  1. the dream of love
    like the flame of fire
    needs tending
    and careful stoking
    flickering this way
    fluttering that way
    in the dance
    of dreams
    it never burns out

  2. That's beautiful. Made me go all gooey!
