Monday, 14 December 2009

Flight Through Infinity

This poem was inspired - in part - by my friend June, she has taken to writing duets through her comments here and, because of this, I felt it good - as the poem was being birthed - that June should get a mention here.

I present...

Flight Through Infinity - 13 Dec 09

In the flow
We swim together
Dance together
Sing our duet to charm
The watchers
Angel and Dolphin
Creating the dream

In the wind
Between the stars
We fly together
Our dance together
Illumined by starlight
Angel and Dolphin
Dreaming the dance

In the void
Where stars are born
We pause
Our dance creates the worlds
From which all things begin
And infinity
Shall be our playground
Angel and Dolphin
Dancing the dream

In the infinite
Where thought is born
We need not move
Breathing the dream
Into existence and letting it
Flow, around, between,
Angel and Dolphin
Dreaming the dream

I feel this poem marks a new point in my writing - not certain where it is going to lead me but I am open to developments.

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  1. Wow...
    I can't find the words to describe
    the images, or the places my minds
    wants to take me because of your words....

    I find myself being drawn in again and again
    like a wave upon a shore.
    Each wave brings a new thought
    a new image
    As they travel together through this journey
    I feel intense joy for them, Dophin and Angel
    and it shall be wonderful watching it unfold

  2. This is so very much like the dream I had of the dolphin..which ispired my dolphin poem
    ...kinda has floored me a little Ainsley... making me go HmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmLaura
