Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Race The Sun

This afternoon, looking from my window, I was fascinated by the way the sunlight flickered as the cloud hurried past.  It triggered the thought of a poem which finally emerged just a little after midnight.

Race The Sun  -  24 Sep 13

Watching the clouds
Race the sun
Rushing into the west
Shadows dance
Across the ground
Trying to avoid
The places where
Shadows already sit
Race the sun
Into the night

Being aware of events ~ always worth the effort.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. you do notice things that most people don't ~ fabulous imagery in this. i love the idea of the clouds racing the sun.

    1. I just keep my mind and eyes open ~ the only way to travel through life.

      Thank you dani ♥ for your beautiful comment.
