Tuesday, 6 May 2014


My mind was open for inspiration and only the one word "fires" came through, always ready for the challenge I wrote.

Fires  -  05 May 14

Fire in the sky
Sunlight warms the world
Lights the day
Opens our eyes to see

Fire in the mind
Warms the body
And opens awareness
To new beauty

Fire in the Heart
Opens me to see you
Shows me your beauty
Fills me with happiness

Fire in the Soul
Drives the Passion
Draws us closer
And takes In Love

Sometimes I surprise myself ~ though there is no surprise that this turned into another Love song.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. i know i just left this comment, but what can i say other than ~

    {{{{{{{{{{{{{ sigh }}}}}}}}}}}}}}


    one of my all-time favorites.

    1. You know that I Love your *sigh* dani ♥ that one simple word speaks volumes to me.

      Thank you for your really Beautiful comment dani ♥
