Saturday, 25 January 2014

Kisses In The Night

It was a dark night and interesting and intriguing thoughts wandered through my mind.

Kisses In The Night  -  25 Jan 14

Dark night
Stars sing in chorus
Light from a solo
Candle calms the shadows

Love takes me
Holds me close
Kisses shape themselves
Form a signature

Across my back
I feel her smile
She claims me
For herself

One day I may start to show some of the other levels of my poetry.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. a nuanced sensuality forming at the end... when we're really fortunate, we find someone who stakes a claim on us and we stake a claim on them ~ happily.

    1. When the claim is mutual ... it is Love.

      Thank you for your Lovely comment dani ♥
