Thursday, 16 January 2014

Evening Fire

I am getting a rather strong feeling that I have written something a bit like this before but an equally strong feeling says that it is different enough to let it stand.

Evening Fire  -  16 Jan 14

Long slow evening
Warm fire dances
Around the grate
We sit and dream

Sit and remember
How we were
Weave new memories
Of how we will be

In the now
Wrapped in each other
We savour the moment
Let the dreams flow

Sometimes the memories tell their own tales.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. nothing wrong with dreaming of the future or remembering the past so long as we always savour the "now" ~ this is lovely!

    1. Agreed ~ the NOW is always the most important place to be.

      Thank you for your Lovely comment dani ♥
