Sunday, 12 January 2014


While looking for something on the Web, several hours ago, my mind suddenly dragged the one word out of its inner recesses.  That word became the starting point for this poem which is a "limite surrĂ©aliste" Love song.  An interesting combination but I feel it works.

Intermezzo  -  11 Jan 14

In the space between moments…

First Movement

I hear your smile
Locked inside the rose
Of your Love
Crystals glisten
Tremble in the Joy
Of your laugh

Second Movement

Kisses wrapped in mirth
Friendly smile carries
An open Heart full if Love
We share the time
And tell the tales
We grew

…A gem shines
Another moment opens

My mind does have some deep inner recesses ~ in which can be found ... but that is something for other poems.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. a beautiful symphony of Love!

    looking forward to seeing some of those deep inner recesses...

    1. I have many deep recesses to reveal dani ♥ they will all emerge in time,
