Saturday, 30 November 2013


This poem grew from a framework of just the four words which form the opening lines of each stanza.

Attraction  -  30 Nov 13

I heard you speak
Your words
Warm honeyed
Calling me

Brushed mine
Soft angel wings

Entrancing alluring
Shaping touch
Through sight

Complete me

I Love the way these grow almost by themselves.

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Friday, 29 November 2013

Probability [Acrostic]

Nothing seemed to be flowing, I heard the single word in my mind and suddenly things became more liquid.

Probability [Acrostic]  -  29 Nov 13

Pen moves slowly
Reluctant thoughts
Originating in otherness
Balance of persuasion
About a selfless place
Bringing new silence
Into a thoughtful moment
Light flows liquid
Into the mind of creation
Together in Infinity
Yet still apart

Otherness ~ the place where all dreams and poems come.

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Thursday, 28 November 2013

Dream Seeds

I had just finished building the post for yesterday's poem when Muse touched me and suggested another poem.

Dream Seeds  -  27 Nov 13

Dream seeds
Scattered by the wind
On frosted mornings
Tapping into hidden images
Secret thoughts
Wrapped in phantom visions

Single seed
Ready to grow
Flowers at night
Sweet perfume fills the mind
Opening doors to dream
Opening dreams

I rather like the rapid sequence, especially when poems with totally different feelings come into being.

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Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Velvet Night [Haikū]

Another Haikū to allow the feel of the softness of night.

Velvet Night [Haikū]  -  27 Nov 13

Wrapped in black velvet
Stars pale ~ winter night surrounds
Love always shines brighter

In the night stars watch ...

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Tuesday, 26 November 2013


Just a little Love song for a Tuesday ~ or any other day too.

Heaven  -  25 Nov 13

Heaven is a place
In your Heart
You took me there
In the moment
You smiled at me

Just because it feels good to say it.

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Monday, 25 November 2013

Moments In Hand

Another poem with more than just a hint of "limite surréaliste".  It grew during the night and really wanted to be published, so ...

Moments In Hand  -  25 Nov 13

Moving a moment
From hand to hand
Mine to yours
Flowing it through
Our Hearts

Feeling the movement
Tide of Love
Touches every part
Moments encapsulate
A moving hand

Standing still
In the waves
Hands wave and hold
A moment of movement
In motion forever

I Love the way these poems flow.

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Sunday, 24 November 2013

Silence Between

A poem which grew in the late hours of yesterday and which is infused with a large measure of "limite surréaliste".

Silence Between  -  23 Nov 13

Words form in the silence
Between sounds
Music touched by thunder
Contrapuntal rhythm
Headache tinges the dark
With unnatural shades
Silence asks ~ can you hear me?
Request for conversation
In the spaces
Under raindrops
In the quiet moment
A single indrawn breath

Was this a dream or something bigger or even a dream of something bigger.  One letter changed makes a world of difference.

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Saturday, 23 November 2013

You Inspire Me [Acrostic]

I said "I haven't got a poem written yet, I'm still waiting for inspiration."
Moments later ...

You Inspire Me [Acrostic]  -  23 Nov 13

Yesterday I had thoughts
Of the way things should

I did not anticipate
Nor consider
Simple changes
In our lives by our
Restless Souls

Moving our Love through

An acrostic Love song ~ is this a first for me?

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Friday, 22 November 2013

Night Hunters [Haikū]

Another little Haikū to keep things flowing.

Night Hunters [Haikū]  -  22 Nov 13

Whispers in the night
Mice plot the quest for their food
Owls wait patiently

This might have been partially inspired by the fact that I had watched the third part of the "Blade" trilogy last night, not that there were owls and mice in the movie but the idea of night hunters rather stuck in my mind,.

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Thursday, 21 November 2013

Dancing In Midnight

A little poem with a hint of "limite surréaliste" to add a touch of spice.

Dancing In Midnight  -  21 Nov 13

Midnight dancer
Slow movement
Beneath the watchful
Moon gazing through

Soft beat rhythm pulse
Two Hearts move
Together sliding slow
Walk narrow lanes
In cold lamplight

Another midnight
Circling dance
Subtle smile shapes
The night moves
The song never ends

I am not entirely certain where the inspiration for this came from but I feel that it works rather well.

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Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Soft Kisses

This poem was birthed a short time after midnight while Lovely thoughts were passing through my mind.  I offer it now to you ...

Soft Kisses  -  20 Nov 13

Soft kisses
As the wind caresses
My face

My memory
Says it is you but
My vision says no

Lost now
In the depth of your kiss
My mind surrenders

Sweet surrender
Happy in the flow of
Your Love

Lovely thoughts indeed.

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Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Zen Thoughts [Haikū]

Another little Haikū, just because it felt right.

Zen Thoughts [Haikū  -  19 Nov 13

Ripple in cold stream
Pebble cannot be un-cast
Water not frozen

Cold but no ice yet.

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Monday, 18 November 2013


Another poem, with just a hint of Love song, seen to wandering into "limite surréaliste" territory.
The concept for this work had been drifting through my mind for most of the day as the idea of numbers kept nagging at me.

Numbers  -  18 Nov 13

One hand raised
In greeting
Along with a friendly

To shape the thought
Of old worlds
Gently carved
From dreams

Three sails raised
Calling the wind
Journey soon
To the sun

For all our dreams
Of ancient times
We still carry
Through all our lives

Muse nags very gently.

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Sunday, 17 November 2013

In Darkness

The phrase "In Darkness" formed itself in my mind just after midnight and the rest of the poem grew from there.

In Darkness  -  17 Nov 13

Fingertip touches
In darkness
Gentle breath
Thrills my senses
In darkness
She lets me feel
She has for me
In darkness
We provide the light
Through our Love

Just another little Love song.

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Saturday, 16 November 2013

Night Naked

This poem grew just as I had actually entered my bed, of course I was recommended to make a note of it by Muse before it faded.

Night Naked  -  15 Nov 13

She watches me
Get undressed
Stretch naked
Slide into bed
Her beauty wraps me

An actual event ~ as I was lying back I noticed the Moon watching  me.

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Friday, 15 November 2013

Damp Blanket [Haikū]

Another Haikū to hint at the way the weather is painting the season.

Damp Blanket [Haikū]  -  15 Nov 13

Inside winter life
Seeds in cold ground lie waiting
Under damp blanket

There will almost certainly be more to come.

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Thursday, 14 November 2013

Words From Within

I was wondering what I could write for this poem and was just idly watching the Twitter stream when my eyes were suddenly caught by a single phrase, "AU LOMANI IKO".  Fijian for "I Love You" ~ the poem just wrote itself.

Words From Within  -  14 Nov 13

She stood before me
Spoke only three words

Her voice smiled too
As did her eyes
Her words resonated

No need to say more
As she looked deep within
Offered the words again


Another sleepless night for the spellchecker ~ excuse me while I grin.

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Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Kiss Moment

This poem drifted into my mind just before 01:00 this morning ~ the moment was open for me.

Kiss Moment  ~  13 Nov 13

One moment kisses
Opening a gate
Through time
Into our Hearts
Sharing that kiss
Opening time
Gateway into forever
Drowning in the kiss
Moments are forever

All moments are open moments and if a kiss is involved then all the better.

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Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Winter Winds [Senryū]

Just a little Senryū to illustrate the last few days in this part of the world ~ the western tip of Cornwall UK [in case you did not know].

Winter Winds [Senryū]  -  12 Nov 13

Winter winds waiting
Rain washes the roads again
Trees already bare

Hope you like it.

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Monday, 11 November 2013

Calling On The Sea

This is another of the "home is calling" poems with a hint of Love song added into it.

Calling On The Sea  -  11 Nov 13

On ancient waters
Slow with a breath
Your breath
Waters still
We move gently
Invited by the sun
To rest on
The distant shore
That calls us …
Calls us home

I Love these gentle songs.

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Sunday, 10 November 2013

Dark Star Symphony

Another Love song, this one is just a little step beyond the "limite surréaliste".

Dark Star Symphony  -  10 Nov 13

Dark star
Patterns of petals
Painted across
Her sky

Clouds wetly shine
Veins drawn
On faded hands

Rose flowering
Hidden manuscript
Music of the stars

Star Heart
Warm in the touch
Her breath caresses
Love grows

I call this a symphony because it is presented in four movements, each with a different flavour but linked.

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Saturday, 9 November 2013


This poem turned from being just a Love song into an interstellar Love song.  I did not expect this.

Home  -  08 Nov 13

I dream of the stars of Home
Her velvet skies
The moons in autumn mists
My Lover’s voice
Inviting me to return

I stand under different stars
My lover’s hand in mine
I try to tell her of Home
Her smile says
It was just a dream

In every world I am
I belong to you
The stars always shine for us
Under whichever sky
We dream

Always happy to have Muse offer poems with a larger field of view.

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Friday, 8 November 2013

Words On My Heart

This poem was birthed just after I posted the last one here ~ I think that it works rather well as a follow-on from that one.

Words On My Heart  -  07 Nov 13

Written on my Heart
Words conjured
By your soft hands

Words formed
In ink from tears of Joy
By your sweet lips

Heart wrapped
Forever held ~ treasured
By your sweet Love

I really enjoy writing Love songs.

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Thursday, 7 November 2013

Slow Dance

Another foray into the realms of "limite surréaliste" with a poem that straddles the midnight hour ~ the date given is when the poem was started.

Slow Dance  -  06 Nov 13

Slow dance
We move together
Feet hardly shifting
Keeping the gentle sway
Letting us float

Slow drift
Through æons
Across the crowded stars
Our dance Eternal
Dancing by starlight

Drift dance
Across worlds of wonder
Dawns and sunsets
Painted for us everywhen
Eternity is not long enough

I love dancing in the Universe of "limite surréaliste"

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Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Heart Touch

This poem grew as a result of a special connection between two Souls.

Heart Touch  -  05 Nov 13

A heart reaches out
To take my hand
Asks for a kiss
Special company
Shares itself with mine
No boundaries
Between us

Some connections are always very special.

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Tuesday, 5 November 2013

November [Haikū]

I felt that another Haikū was called for here.  I am considering a monthly Haikū to celebrate the year in growth, there may be others too but there will be at least one a month.

November [Haikū]  -  05 Nov 13

Fuyu kitaru
Trees naked ~ waiting for snow
Jyuichi gatsu

The Japanese phrases mean…
Fuyu kitaru ~ start of winter
Jyuichi gatsu ~ November

I like composing bi-lingual Haikū ~ 'tis rather fun.

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Monday, 4 November 2013

Hard Breath

Heard this in the early afternoon and the mental images stuck, so I now present them here.

Hard Breath  -  04 Nov 13

Listening to the
Restless Earth
Rattling windows
Throwing hard rain

Amazing what comes out when you just listen and watch.

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Sunday, 3 November 2013

Brides Tales

I was trying to get to sleep when words kept wandering through my mind, Muse insisted that I made a note of them or they would be forgotten.
I feel that I should make the inspiration points here; "Dawn bride's veil" comes from the first line of "Islands", one of the records by King Crimson.  The hint from John Keats - "Ode to Autumn" is in the first line of his poem and a subtle reminder of "Fires At Midnight" the song from Jethro Tull completes the list of what I can see here.
On with my poem ...

Brides Tales  -  02 Nov 13

Dawn bride
Her veil captures the wind
Bends it to her will
Her perfume fills the sky
Holds me

Bride in the afternoon
The mellow fruits
Of autumn
Share her sweet smile

Evening bride
Fires glow in the hearth
Giving cheerful light
Not as warm
As her Love

Bride of night
Rich crimson blossoms
Of the midnight feast
Roses before dawn
We share

It is really good when Muse nags me to get things written so they remain to be posted here.

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Saturday, 2 November 2013

Now And Forever

I wrote something similar a while ago but my memory says that this is sufficiently different to allow publication here ... now,

Now And Forever  -  01 Nov 13

I remember you
From the days that
Are yet to come
We have been together
Through all our Eternities
In all our times together
We have we

I hope the differences are sufficient to allow enjoyment.

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Friday, 1 November 2013


Another glimpse of the wilderness, images in the pre-dawn dark.

Stillness  -  01 Nov 13

In the moments
Between moonset
And sunrise
Darkness fills
The wilderness
Hear my song

Your voice
Carries across the sky
Fills my mind
And in the wilderness
I ask you
Sing my song

Silence holds
The trackless land
Waits with bated breath
For sunrise
Stillness holds me
Be my song

There may be more wilderness poems somewhen soon.

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