Tuesday, 4 January 2011

The Flower of Eternity

This poem was inspired by an Haikū I wrote last April, when I read at it again I realised that there was more to say...

The Flower of Eternity - 24 Apr 10 and 04 Jan 11

The rarest blossom
A flower sweet with perfume
Grows within your Soul

I offer the occasional tear
...To water the flower
The sunshine from a gaze
...To encourage it to grow and flourish
The warmth of a smile
...To bring it into full flower
The power of passion
...To take it into Eternity

There was further inspiration from a conversation I had last night - I hope she approves...Muse does.

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  1. Thank you Dani ♥ for your eloquent comment
    it means more than simple words to me ♥
