Saturday, 21 December 2013

Time And Times

This poem grew from the idea of trying to get away from Love songs for just a little while.  Muse, however, had other ideas.

Time And Times  -  21 Dec 13

There was a time
When we were young
And the Universe
Was but a child
We played then
Little joy-filled games
That filled our time

Universe has matured
As have we
Our games have changed
In ways we never imagined
New dreams fill our minds

Dreams no longer
New real ~ now real
All we have is

I do not argue with Muse, she knows best.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. what more do we need but love? without it, nothing in the world shines as bright.

    1. Love ♥ Through all the ages of the Universes is everything.

      Thank you for your insightful comment dani ♥
