Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Haikū - 1

Since this is a quiet day with no new poems I decided that it would be a good idea to archive the Haikū I have written this year. You may have seen them drifting by in the Twitter stream but some were never published before.


Full Moon looking down
watching over us tonight
protecting our dreams

Muse Song

I talk in the night
she listens, makes suggestions
my Muse - touch my Soul


Smiling at a thought
joy fills my mind with beauty
lifts me up higher


Your smile throws rainbows
across my sky if I'm sad...
I send you one too


She took my heart and
melted it in her fire
I could not resist

Five at a time should be sufficient I think...

1 comment:

  1. nice to see them
    to remember their image
    painted on the sky
