Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Morning Ride

An actual event ~ slightly embellished for the sake of poetic feelings.

Morning Ride  -  28 Dec 14

Into the East
Sunrise in my eyes
Dark horizons
Behind me
Spectra shone
From ice left by the night
I watch for
The beauty of the day
And the unfolding

Day over
Returning to the West
Lights at the end of the world
Lighthouse in a hidden sea

Orion looks down
Watches me
Shows me the Moon
She watches
Caresses in a frost painted night

The light of dawn
Now a memory
Dark horizon
Surrounds me

A very frosty morning and on return the frost was settling again.

End of the world refers to Land's End and the lighthouse is Longshhips, since the night was dark the sea was invisible.  Orion is my favourite constellation and the Moon is a first quarter crescent.


  1. "The light of dawn
    Now a memory
    Dark horizon
    Surrounds me"

    beautiful poem!!!

    1. Travelling homeward under the watchful eye of Orion was Lovely dani ♥
