Thursday, 4 December 2014

Drifting {Ocean Symphony]

You may feel that a re-read of the poem "Drifting" posted on 30 Nov 14 may be used as a Prelude to this piece.  This  poem is constructed in a symphonic form so that four parts can be read together.

Drifting [Ocean Symphony}  -  30 Nov 14

I ~ Opening

Slow ~ with the waves
Feeling the gentle surge
Lift me
Spin me gently
Turn me to face the sun

II ~ Seaweed Forest

Mermaids dance around the fronds
Tails flow in myriad colours
Catch the rippling sun
Their song of enchantment
Opens Hearts to the beauty
Capturing the moment

III ~ Poseidon’s Gate

Pearl treasure
Ancient doors reflect the beauty
Inviting entry
A welcome within the coral halls
Written in crystal words
Of the aquamarine harmonies

IV ~ Home

Warm ~ kiss of the sun
Wet ~ the ocean’s kiss says secret Love
Dry ~ the sand beneath my feet Earth’s kiss
Hidden ~ a mermaid’s kiss
Remembered ~ held in mind the gifts
My Lover’s kiss to welcome me home

There is just a hint of Love song here too.


  1. this is beautiful, Ainsley! i have no knowledge of music, but even i can recognize that this is indeed an amazing symphony!

    1. Thank you dani ♥ for your really Lovely comment.
