Friday, 28 February 2014

Spring [Haikū]

Night ~ hearing the wind and rain out of thick cloud ~ getting the news that large parts of the UK are cloud free and most areas can see the Northern Lights ~ I sit and dream with my eyes open

Spring [Haikū]  -  28 Feb 14

Haru no yume
Trees wake from their slumbering
Buds splitting open

Haru no yume = dream in spring

Spring ~ hah!


  1. over here we say March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb... guess that means still wintry weather at the beginning. a real shame you didn't get to see the Northern Lights. lovely haikū!

    1. In the original saying March is referred to as a "hack ham" ~ in other words, a low-grade actor. Hoping for a "lamb" ending to the month.
      Northern Lights ~ one of the best displays ever, next time maybe ...

      Thank you for your comments dani ♥
