Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Flying Together

A curious little poem, I had to tease it into shape before it felt right.  I am not going to mess with it further in case it becomes stale and lifeless.

Flying Together  -  11 Feb 14

We have been together
Æons kissing
The eternal web of time
Holds us before we move
Before we launch
Into Infinity
Together we shall fly
My Heart lies with yours
Wherever you go
I fly too

Another little Love song.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. especially love

    "My Heart lies with yours
    Wherever you go
    I fly too"

    another beautiful love song!!!

    1. I do rather like those three lines too ~ I feel that they capture the whole essence of the poem.

      Thank you dani ♥ for your beautiful comment.
