Wednesday, 27 October 2010


Another poem birthed in the early hours, this seems a good time for Muse to visit me - when I am most receptive to her gentle persuasions.

Epitaph - 27 Oct 10

Her voice
Quicksilver sliding
Through my mind
She touched me
Deep within
Removed my pain
But left me with a new one
I knew her
I knew I couldn't have her
The mists of time
Had already claimed her
To dance in otherwhere

A sad poem that doesn't actually refer to anyone I know personally; it was triggered by listening to lovely music sung by a beautiful woman who is no longer incarnate.


  1. we are lucky to have
    such recordings of the past
    to take us back
    to bring them forth
    like waves upon the sands of time
    flowing forever

  2. Thank you for your comment June
