Saturday, 21 June 2014

Secret Dancer

A sensuous Love song.

Secret Dancer  -  19 Jun 14

Slow moves
Secret whispers
Come in closer
Hold me
Listen to the music
In our lives
Listen to our
Secret songs
Dancing in secret

There probably will be more of these to come.


  1. the title brought to mind "tiny dancer" by elton john which i always liked but this is far more sensual. i especially love:

    "Listen to the music
    In our lives"

    who needs CDs? the dance of lust is best done to the song of love, don't you think? {smile}

    1. The music of Love and Lust always play more loudly than anything else.

      I would rather listen and dance to them ~ anytime.

      I shall try to play that music as often as I can dani ♥ thank you for your really Lovely comments ♥
