Saturday, 7 June 2014

Because [Acrostic Plus]

This poem carries its own explanations ~ the first stanza is the acrostic "Because" and the second stanza says why it was not what I intended.  Oddly though, it still works, I feel.

Because [Acrostic Plus]  -  06 Jun 14

Between thoughts
Empty spaces form
Catching your hands
As they pass by me
Unheard whispers
Slide past
Ears unheeding

In a moment
Of indecision
What I really wanted to say
How you have touched me
Shaped me
Loved me
But instead
Because formed

Sometimes my mind plays its own games and tells its own stories.

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  1. "Between thoughts
    Empty spaces form"
    stunning! i really love this poem. it works for me!

    1. Thank you dani ♥ I really Love your comments.
