Sunday, 30 March 2014

Saxophone [Senryū] + Message On The Wind

Because these poems are so short I decided that I would offer two today.
The first one is a Senryū which arrived a few nights ago and the second one, a little Love song, was birthed last night.

Saxophone [Senryū]  -  26 Mar 14

A saxophone calls
Into the night ~ only owls
Answer the message

Message On The Wind  -  29 Mar 14

Whisper my name
Into the wind
Ask the wind to take it
To the one I Love

I hope you enjoy them.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. i LOVE the idea of owls answering the call of a saxaphone! you see the world in such a unique, surprising and delightful way, Ainsley!

    i totally believe the wind delivers love messages.....

    1. Thank you dani ♥ for your Beautiful comment.
