Friday, 27 July 2012

The Lady

This poem grew from a prompt in Poetry Jam ~ I shall not say anything further about the poem but feel that it works rather well.

The Lady  -  27 Jul 12

The lady came
Lay down your words
Said she
Craft a special spell
For me

She told me
What she wanted
Her needs and desires
She bid me build
Then with a smile ~ departed

I laboured long
The fragments grew
Into a complex web
Words chased around
And came together

I called ~ requested
The lady's presence
She smiled
Took the proffered scroll
And read

In silence
With a growing smile
Perfect said she
Laid a kiss on the edge

Looked deep into my eyes
The smile in hers growing
I felt my Heart enflamed
You are mine
Enchanter ~ Enchanted

This is my entry for Poetry Jam ~ Do You Believe In Magic

Monday, 23 July 2012

In An Afternoon Dream

In a sleepy afternoon, gentle sounds drifted through the warmth of the day and this poem was birthed and grew quite quickly.  I felt that posting it here in Muse now would be a good idea.

In An Afternoon Dream  -  23 Jul 12


A secret smile
Shown only to me
Warmth from her Heart


In ways that can never
Be explained
Brought Love


Accepted Love from me
In ways she alone knew
How to take


Showed me that I
Could become
We ~ and grow


In the Infinities of possibilities
Our Eternities
Shine brightly


I thank Muse for the inspiration and gentle nudges.
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Saturday, 14 July 2012

The Sounds of Time

The first few lines of this poem were born a few days ago followed by a kind of silence.  Maybe it was a little joke by Muse, given the title of the poem.  I'm really not certain what was happening but today the rest of the poem was suddenly birthed.

The Sounds of Time  -  08 & 15 Jul 12

Sand between fingers

Slipping under feet
Sea kisses our toes
Sowing new memories
Seeding dreams

Stretch into hours
Stretch into days

Sounds of time
Secret songs
Sung out loud
Souls in harmony


I'm puzzled by the alliteration and not certain how it was formed but I do like the effect.

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Sunday, 8 July 2012

Reality Seven ~ Reality

Yesterday another poem in the Reality series started to grow ~ from the final stanza forward.  Quite unusual for the last lines to come formed before anything else.  It was completed this afternoon and I now present it here.

Reality Seven ~ Reality  -  07 & 08 Jul 12

In our play
She led us deep…
Deep within the forest
Into the Halls
Of Poseidon

Amethysts shone
Diamonds lit the way
Our eyes reflected
The beauty
Skin glowed

We swam again
In Ocean’s warmth
Our thoughts entwined
Dreams blended
Our tails
Moved in synchrony

Contagious smile
Caressed me
Welcome home

It may be that this is the final poem in the Reality series - I feel that completion has been achieved but who knows what Muse knows.

Friday, 6 July 2012

Waiting for Me

I was supposed to be watching a DVD but Muse had other ideas and she started to steer me along a rather interesting path.  I am often puzzled by what takes me into these places but am always well rewarded by the experience.

Waiting for Me  -  06 Jul 12

Her breathing
Her smile
Warmer than fire

Walking through
The chambers of my mind
The hidden secret places
That only dream

She knew
How to look past
The images
The ancient myths
I inhabited

Saw me
At the dreams
Knew me
Looked at my dreams
Entered them

Entered me
Looked in all the places
That I knew
Have been
Want to go
Will touch

In slow gentle breath
Let us go there
See what we can find
In our new worlds

Thank you Muse for another interesting journey.

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Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Aqua [Reality Six]

A new poem born from a call out of Muse and a realisation that I hadn't touched on this aspect of Reality before in any of my poems.

Aqua  -  04 Jul 12

Flicked water at me

Into the water again

Chase ~ dive with her

Not as efficient as

Circled back to collect

Another thing that inspired and triggered this was a recent statement from the American government denying the possibility of Mermaids ~ like the denial of UFOs.
Smiling broadly...

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Sunday, 1 July 2012

Panther in the Night

This poem grew suddenly in the very early hours, the day was but a few hours old, Muse wouldn't allow me to relax but insisted that it was placed in a document and transferred to this blog immediately.  I know better than to argue with Muse and her recommendations.

Panther in the Night  -  01 Jul 12

Eyes ~ black
Like polished coal
Cut through me
Touched me deep within
Framed in green

Watched me
In the night
Light rain ~ misted dark
Jewelled fur

She lay beside me
Took my hand ~ smiled
Held me close
I felt her warm breath
On my neck

She writhed against me
Whispered ~ " my Love"
In the darkness

I feel that this is one of the better flow poems and hope you do too.

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