Monday, 16 January 2012

Time After Time

This is the third and final part of the Time sequence of poems, I feel that it has been brought to a satisfying conclusion ~ with some assistance from Muse.

Time After Time  -  15 Jan 12

We traced the time-lines
From each beginning
All beginnings
Through everywhen
Watched the games
We played – play out
Felt again the dance
Through the Universe

In this place
Time after time
We can rest
No more do we need
The dance or the games
But because we enjoy them
We shall
Play on

Home now
Wrapped in each other’s arms
We sit and watch
The stars

Where will the next saga take us?  Muse only leaves subtle hints but I am certain that, wherever we go, it will be fun.


  1. on it's own, this is full of love and romance and contentment...

    i read the three poems together and they are a stunning song of lovers journeying through time. beautiful, Ainsley!

  2. Thank you dani ♥ for your wonderful comments ~ I am so pleased that you see my offering the way it was intended ♥
