Thursday, 12 January 2012

Step By Step

This is the second of three poems in a Time sequence, the first one was "Time Before Time".  I was given the titles of this and the next poem just after I wrote the first one and have been waiting for something to grow around the title.  Muse prompted me in the early hours [again] and I now present it here.

Step By Step  -  12 Jan 12

In our thoughts and dreams
Through all our lives
Our paths meandered
Crossed and re-crossed
Only one thing we knew
Was certain through all of them
Our Love’s constancy

From our beginnings
We moved
Step by step
Through the starstream
Drank from the waters
Of Infinity
And kissed our Love

Still our dancing thoughts
Take us on
To worlds undreamed
Under skies of wonder

The third poem in the sequence should be arriving soon, with a few hints from Muse.


  1. an epic love song! i love this one even more than the first.

    i can't wait for the third poem.

  2. Thank you dani ♥ for your really wonderful comment ~ I am looking forward to seeing the third poem too ♥
