Saturday, 24 December 2011

Shadows of the Moon

Another of the poems which grew from seed in the very early hours of the day. This time I am not certain where the seed came from but I am pleased with the effect and thank my Muse for showing it to me.

Shadows of the Moon - 24 Dec 11

Moon shine
Sun dark
Whispers of falling stars
Tell me of times
When we danced
When we kissed
Just to remind me
Of how things were

And now…

Shadows In an abandoned well
Act out the drama
Upon the stage
Supported by cobwebs
Followed by the dancers
Singers of the plaintive song
Dancers in the shadows

And then…

We kissed again
Our thoughts mingled
Grew together
Became one
In the light of the Moon
She knew
Smiled at us

And always…

Glancing through the Eternal Moment.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. "Whispers of falling stars"

    beautiful! i love the past, present, future of the Eternal Moment. another magical journey!

  2. Thank you dani ♥ for your Magical comments ♥
