Saturday, 31 December 2011

Pleasures [Countdown]

This poem was inspired, in part at least, by the fact that this is the last day of 2011 and while I was composing it the word "countdown" kept drifting through my mind and I realised that it was necessary to blend the two ideas into one whole.

Pleasures [Countdown]  -  31 Dec 11

The ghosts of our dreams
Dance in syncopated
Over all the feelings
In all the times
We shared

Bodies scattered
In ecstatic abandon
From pleasured

I feel your touch
Giving without expectation
Taking with gratitude

We both knew
We both new
New worlds

Standing on the edge
Ready to fly

And now...?

Thank you Muse for offering me this new piece.
All that is left now is to say...
Blethen Noweth da
[For non-Cornish speakers ~ Happy New Year]

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Saturday, 24 December 2011

Shadows of the Moon

Another of the poems which grew from seed in the very early hours of the day. This time I am not certain where the seed came from but I am pleased with the effect and thank my Muse for showing it to me.

Shadows of the Moon - 24 Dec 11

Moon shine
Sun dark
Whispers of falling stars
Tell me of times
When we danced
When we kissed
Just to remind me
Of how things were

And now…

Shadows In an abandoned well
Act out the drama
Upon the stage
Supported by cobwebs
Followed by the dancers
Singers of the plaintive song
Dancers in the shadows

And then…

We kissed again
Our thoughts mingled
Grew together
Became one
In the light of the Moon
She knew
Smiled at us

And always…

Glancing through the Eternal Moment.

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Friday, 23 December 2011

Journey Into Day

I find it fascinating, when Muse taps me on the shoulder and indicates that I should write something, the end result is - I feel - rather special.

Journey Into Day - 23 Dec 11

I’d come so far
Before I saw you
Before I knew
Who I was
Who you were

The long dark morning
Born out of dark night
Left the spirits watching
Keeping guard
In the empty places
Where the echoes
Of me
Still live

Reaching out
With unguided hand
With sightless eyes
Waiting for the Sun

Touched by the Sun
Your light held me
As the harbour lights
I watched you
Held you
Dreamed you into me

Come so far
Then I saw you
Finally I knew
Who I was
Who you were

Another of the poems birthed in the very early hours of the day - thanks for the prompt my Muse.

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Saturday, 17 December 2011


This poem took a little while to get near to completion but it still didn't feel right, I asked a friend and two words were changed. This change improved the flow completely and I felt that it was ready to be posted here.

Waiting - 16 Dec 11

I waited for you
At the edge
Of time
I promised you
I would be there
Till you arrived

Aeons danced
Through our Eternity
Waves washed the shore
Time sang his sweet song
Echoed through the years

Your promise to me
Still whispers In my mind
…I will be there…
I see the smile in your eyes
Caressing my face
Kissing my Soul

I feel that it was worth the wait and my thanks to Muse and to my friend for the suggestions.

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Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Midnight Journeys

This poem was inspired, in small part, by several things; listening to a track from Epitaph called "Visions", remembering the early King Crimson and my own "Warlord Suite". Some of the themes can be heard here though none of them really predominate and this end result is something that is mine. Well, see what you think...

Midnight Journeys - 12 Dec 11

Leaving a trail
Of feathers
Of Moon-dark Journeys
And tales
Of secret meetings
On the Temple steps


The peacock sings
A mellow song
Of wandering jesters
And tired jokes
Heard only by those
Who know and smile
At the wistful words
And gentle sounds


The watchers did not
Understand…but only stood
And swayed
To a random rhythm
Created in thunder
Petted the phÅ“nix’
Fiery back
Regardless of the flames


Watching the serpents
Dance around the staff
Our eyes entranced
We dream the Moon
Into the day
Pull her close to us
Taste sweet kisses
On the fabric of her robe


The joke here is "the peacock's mellow song" - have you heard a peacock call?

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Monday, 12 December 2011

In the Moment of the Rising Dream

This is another of the poems which took a little while to fully emerge, the main title and the section titles appeared first - followed a few hours later by the first and third sections. The central section only appeared after a full day but I feel that the wait was worth it.

The terms "first contact" and "last contact" are space-watchers terms to denote the moments when the leading edge and the trailing edge of the observed thing, like the Moon, appears above then clears the sky-line.

In the Moment of the Rising Dream - 09 Dec 11

First Contact

The church bell
Starts to call the midnight hour
Ensnares my mind
Thoughts drifting In the cage
Of yesterday


She stood
Into the fountain’s mirror
Rippled image

She tried to catch
The fleeting shapes
As they left a trail
Across her mind

Glittering in the dark
Trying to rival
The stars
They shine

Dream fragments
Show untidily
Disturbed by the fading

Last Contact

Once the echoes
Broken Into single tones
Teased my memories
Tomorrow starts to run

I hope you enjoy this new offering. Thank you Muse for your prompting.

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Friday, 9 December 2011

She Waits / Night Prison

This poem didn't take too long to write but, I have to admit this, I have no idea where it came from. The words just seemed to tumble out onto the "page" and shaped themselves into two interlinked tracts, the four-line and five-line stanzas can be read as individual three-stanza poems or, as I have posted them here - a unified work. See what you think...

She Waits / Night Prison - 09 Dec 11

Nearly closed
The rusted iron gates
Wrapped with ivy
Pretend to defend

In veils of mist
She waits…
Her tender fingers beckon
Asking me
To touch

In a cloudless sky
Leafless trees ensnare the Moon
Hold her prisoner
Ransom demanded of the Sun

Tendrils of the night
Snags her gown
In cold and wet
She waits

Dawn so long away
Colours of imagining
No brush
To drag them ‘cross the sky

Ivy will take her tears
Gratitude for sadness
Feed upon the salty drops
Endlessly waiting
She invites me

I thank Muse for starting me off on a new voyage of discovery, always wondering where these will lead.

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