Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Poet's Spell

This is another example of just hearing a couple of words somewhere and a whole poem growing from there. This one is a departure from my usual themes but I felt that a change would be good.

Poet's Spell - 01 Dec 10

The piper plays
A merry tune
But within it lies
A hidden melody
Carrying a secret
From ancient days

The choir sings
Tells of days
From whence the mystery
And grows
Within the sacred grove

The piper and the minstrel
Offer the words
To charm the trees
And wrest the
Ancient stones to dance

Mortal ears can hear
If they choose
But so often
Will ignore
The song before them
And the choir falls silent

Who will join the poet now
To weave the words
To bind the song
And allow the melody
To grow again
And charm the world

I wonder if this fits into any other sequence of poems I have written - I suspect that the answer is yes and it may be a way of rekindling the energies in them.

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  1. poets dance
    with words
    upon the page
    within the heart
    painting upon the sky
    the wonders that pass their eye
    filled with truth
    from soul

    some really deep stuff you've been writing my friend
    let it flow :~)

  2. Beautiful comment June ♥
    Thank you ♥
