Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Sea Of Words

This poem was born out of a stray phrase my mind dropped into my consciousness.

Sea Of Words  -  06 Mar 15

Lost in the sea
Words wrap themselves
Around my mind
Kraken snare
By the words
Net cast into the waves
Words as bait
I catch myself again
Haul myself aboard
Watch as I continue
To spin the words
And dream into
The sea of words

Though it may have been Muse prompting my brain to release the phrase.



  1. a touch of your "limite surréaliste" don't you think? fascinating! which phrase was the one which prompted the poem?

    1. I think, perhaps, you might have a point about the idea that this poem was part of the "limite surréaliste" thread.

      The phrase was "Lost in a sea of words" but I felt that splitting it up would allow it to work just a bit better.

      Thank you for your Lovely comment dani ♥
