Tuesday, 31 March 2015


Looking around to see whatever is here.

Looking  -  23 Mar 15


Looking back
I realise
That the only way
I am here
Is by following
The path I took


Looking around
With eyes which
Have been opened
By events
Which moulded me
And shaped who
I am


Looking ahead
At the future
With all the possible
“I”s travelling through
All the vastly different
Time lines
Wondering which I
Will lead me there

An exploration in times.


Monday, 30 March 2015

Cool Breeze

A "simple" Love song.  No such thing, right?

Cool Breeze  -  23 Mar 15

Cool breeze
Kisses my cheek
Easing the fires of you
Love has shown me
What you have for me
Fires forever burning
Eternal flame within
Burns brighter
Every moment
For you
From you
Cool breezes
Always take me
To you

Leave your blessings
On my shore
And I will follow
The cool breeze
To you

I so Love complex Loveliness.


Sunday, 29 March 2015


A Love song from and with the Moon.

Moon-dreamed  -  21 Mar 15

In the still waters
Of a Moon-dreamed sea
I watch the reflection
Of you
Watching me

The dreams of the Moon
Become our dreams
In our dance along the shore
We pause to kiss
Moon waits for us

Moon often offers some wonderful thoughts and dreams.


Saturday, 28 March 2015

After Images

Love songs are with us again ~ never really left though, so, smiling as I stroke the keyboard.

After Images  -  20 Mar 15

I stared too long
Into your beauty
Now all I can see
Everywhere I look
Is your face
Too long
Is never long enough
To look at you
And as I look
At you
You look
Into my Soul
And see

I have looked, have seen and am still seeing.


Friday, 27 March 2015


I really do not know how to describe this poem, except with the possible "you are being watched by you" but even that does not quite feel valid.

Intent  -  19 Mar 15

The eye of tomorrow
Watches intently
Sees every move
Especially those which
Have not yet been made
Intent watching
Knows your hidden thoughts
Suggests intention
Then watches

Whatever the tag, I feel that the poem works.


Thursday, 26 March 2015

Tears Of Joy

On re-reading this I am not entirely certain that it is complete but I am not going to fiddle with it because I still feel that it works.

Tears Of Joy  -  17 Mar 15

Brush dipped in tears
To moisten the paint
Portrait filled with joy
Carried by the tears

I have seen you smile
You have removed
Any tears which may
Have flowed in life

Hope you think it works too.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Distance Kisses

Distance Kisses have a very similar effect to Distance Healing but with more FUN.

Distance Kisses  -  16 Mar 15

Kisses your image
Held for a long time
You will feel the kiss
You are ~ whatever you do
That gentle touch
Love still lives in him
For you

Works for me.


Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Rainbow Spells

A little bit of weather magic.

Rainbow Spells  -  16 Mar 15

Listen to the rainbow
Symphony of colour
Drowns the rain
With wordless spells
And incantations

Always like a little magic.


Monday, 23 March 2015

Worlds Of Love

Just to show how far Love reaches, a Love song from another world.

Worlds Of Love  -  16 Mar 15

Soft gentle music
Carries a sweet Love song
From worlds away
Under strange stars
Moons light the way
Twin roads of light
Across the sea
To lead us
To where we are

Two Moons shine to light the Love.


Sunday, 22 March 2015

Sunset Reverie

Just a little Love song in the closing of the day.

Sunset Reverie  -  15 Mar 15

Darkness steals across
The waves
As the sun
Slowly sets
Taking the day
To rest

In my arms
I hold you close
All my thoughts
Carry us through life
Take our dreams onward

Sun final glimmer
Sets our Hearts aflame
And we know
Our Love
Is here
To stay

Sometimes in the last glimmerings, vision becomes clearer.


Saturday, 21 March 2015


As promised yesterday, the offering now is in celebration of the solar ecllipse.

Conjunct  -  18 Mar 15

Real touch
Sun and Moon
Share in the dance
Sublime kiss

In the darkness
After dawn
Watching the dark dress
Stir the clouds

Music box soft melody
Birds join the chorus
Then with a sweet parting
The dance moves on

I personally did not see the eclipse but I am still feeling the effects.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Equinox [Acrostic]

Posted slightly out of sequence because today is the Vernal Equinox.

Equinox [Acrostic]  -  19 Mar 15

End of Winter
Questing for the answers
Unmistakeable messages
In the air around me
Now I can
Observe sap rising
Xylem flow of Spring

Tomorrow there will be a poem commemorating the solar eclipse, which also happens today.


Thursday, 19 March 2015

Eternal Images

A selection of traditional and modern Haikū and Senryū for today's offerings.

Eternal Images  -  14 Mar 15

A whisper heard once
Never forgotten
Through Eternity

You ~ always with me
In my dreams or while awake
Loving companion

Your words have touched me
In my Heart and on my Soul
Leaving your whisper

My Heart sings with you
Joy filled moments in my life
Eternity ~ too small

A piece of paper
You sketched me and created
The image of Love

All three lines but sometimes the syllable count makes it "modern".


Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Dream Call

The Lovely moments around sunset.

Dream Call  -  14 Mar 15

In painted hours
As images drift
Behind the sunset
And start to call the dreams
From their hiding places
I wait
I watch
For you to join me
I call your name
Our dream answers
We are together

So often sunset is the Loveliest time.


Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Secret Smile

Watching the smiles in the early hours.

Secret Smiles  -  12 Mar 15

In a silence more profound
Than the pre-dawn kiss
Of stars
I watched you
Your sleeping face
Smiled in a secret dream
I wondered if I had been invited
To your special place

Somehow the smiles are even more Beautiful.


Monday, 16 March 2015

Ghosts In The Mind

This was inspired by a memory of the phrase "Ghosts in the machine".  I had long wanted to write something which was related to this concept but, only now did it emerge.

Ghosts In The Mind  -  12 Mar 15

People who once
Shared my time and space
And place
In my mind
Sometimes return
To enter that place
Sometimes because
I think of them
Because they insert
Themselves unbidden
And sometimes
All I have is
A mindful of ghosts

Sometimes the "visitors" are welcome ~ sometimes.


Sunday, 15 March 2015

Final Song

A final song.

Final Song  -  10 Mar 15

This must be
Our final song
The day draws to a close
And silence
Fills the dark
The last chords
Till the morrow
When the orchestra
Begins anew
And we can
Dance and sing
New songs

You did not think this would be a last poem from me ~ did you?

Saturday, 14 March 2015

You Wore The Rainbow

A Love song with a hint of something much deeper.

You Wore The Rainbow  - 10 Mar 15

When I kissed
The rainbow while
You were still wearing it
We knew what was meant
By dancing our dream

Infinity has touched
Our Hearts
Kissed our Love
Transported us
To new heights

White dress
Painted with the brush
Of rainbow hue
Swept to fill the Universe
With us

Love songs are always deep though.

Friday, 13 March 2015

Prophet [Acrostic]

Another acrostic offering.

Prophet [Acrostic]  -  09 Mar 15

Peering into the undefined
Reaching for the message
Outworlds within spin
Pointing at possibilities
Helping impossibilities become
Endlessly spinning dancing
Theatre of new dreams

This poem seemed to write itself.


Thursday, 12 March 2015


An experiment in a simple "poème concret" just to see how it will work here.

Drips  -  08 Mar 15

A slow cascade
Of ancient dreams
Moving through
The gates of memory
Eroded by light
Afternoon sunshine
Drizzles through branches
I am floating free

I can almost hear the drips.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Kissing The Edge

Knowing where the edge is and what it entails is part of the fun of walking and kissing the edge.

Kissing The Edge  -  07 Mar 15

Imaginary worlds
Sliding through me
All become real
Through the desires
I am on the edge
Of the dream
I take it into me
Kiss it into life

Enjoying the game.


Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Sea Of Words

This poem was born out of a stray phrase my mind dropped into my consciousness.

Sea Of Words  -  06 Mar 15

Lost in the sea
Words wrap themselves
Around my mind
Kraken snare
By the words
Net cast into the waves
Words as bait
I catch myself again
Haul myself aboard
Watch as I continue
To spin the words
And dream into
The sea of words

Though it may have been Muse prompting my brain to release the phrase.


Monday, 9 March 2015

Micropoetry 02

Three more micropoetry offerings, two Love songs and a Senryū.

Micropoetry 02  -  05 Mar 15


I am yours
Through all the Eternities
Beyond forever
Into Infinity together


Moon slips above horizon
Almost unnoticed


Two of Hearts
Aces paired in ways
We never could
Have imagined

The second offering ~ there will probably be more in time.

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Dreaming You

A dreaming Love song.

Dreaming You  -  03 Mar 15

I never met you
Though you were always
In my mind
Filling my dreams
Keeping me company
In the moments
Of sweet sadness
Between sunset and dawn

The fires of day burn low
Stars light the dreams
You join me within
Keeping me company
With a gentle smile
And a soft whisper
I am forever
Dreaming you

Always in my dreams.


Saturday, 7 March 2015

Arbres Imaginaires

The title means "Imaginary Trees" ~ you will see why when you read the poem.

Arbres Imaginaires  -  02 Mar 15

Snagging mists and cloud
Gathering them from
Sky to lay them on walls

You pass before the trees
Your shadow
Lies on them and
Lies on the sky

Is everything
In my imagination
Or can it be
I am in yours

Playing in an imagination ~ but who is imagining?

Friday, 6 March 2015

Rain At Night

Just a tiny observation.

Rain At Night  -  02 Mar 15

Moon peering through
A veil of rain
Cloud kisses her
They hide
Darkness claims

Veils in the night.


Thursday, 5 March 2015

Blue Before Night

Fantasy and reality blend in this poem with a little touch of Love song to add a bit more flavour.

Blue Before Night  -  01 Mar 15

Failing daylight
Sun below the horizon
Clouds thrown into
Against a cerulean sky
Welcoming the night

Colours fade from the sky
Clouds majestic sail
Leaving a dusty red
In their wake
Dreams ahead

A new shore calls
Lights in the harbour
Glinting on the waves
Dreams await in the night
Like Lovers

The Moon
Shining through a hint
Of rain
Lights the way
To you

I feel that I have sailed on this ship to you.


Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Cloak Of Night

A sensuous Love song with more than a hint of Lust song.

Cloak Of Night  - 28 Feb 15

Wrapped in the velvet cloak of night
With you by my side
Soft touches ask if I am awake
Or in our dream already

My breath on your cheek
As I smell your kiss
And taste the nectar of you
Warm honeyed lips

Mysteries blossom covering us
With their scent and the warm cloak
Enfolds us further
Holding us close

A Lovely cloak in which to be wrapped.


Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Changing My World

After a moment of silence ~ a Love song.

Changing My World  -  27 Feb 15

Sitting in silence
For a word
A gesture
Just waiting

Then she smiles
She laughs
Suddenly my world
Is filled with
Joy and Love

Definitely worth the wait.


Monday, 2 March 2015

Early Night

A Lust song flavoured with Love song.

Early Night  -  26 Feb 15

Early night
You welcomed me
Wrapped your arms
Around me
Warming my body
Setting fire to my thoughts
Taking your kisses
To wander around
Night became morning
As the welcomes

I rather Love the welcomings.


Sunday, 1 March 2015


These three, mostly unrelated, poems are posted here today simply because I could not find one longer poem.

The first is a weather-related observation, the second and third are little Love songs.

Micropoetry  -  24 Feb 14


Cloud comes close to earth
To make sure her children
Do not have far to fall


I have seen her
In my dreams
I have kissed her


Bringing your Love
To share with me
Expecting nothing in return
Just accepting
The Joy of hearing
I Love you

Calling them "Micropoetry" simply because.