Saturday, 11 June 2011

Spark 12 by dani harris and Ainsley Allmark

This post is to mark the entry of dani harris and I to Spark 12


Ainsley Allmark
Inspiration piece

dani harris

a tree i once met

i don't recall

ever seeing ever meeting

such a tree

before or since


she had no branches on one side

she leaned the other way

where all her limbs

seemed to be reaching out



if you moved

within a few feet of her

there was a palpable feeling

of motherly love

and watchfulness


without a doubt

she has stood guard for years on end

enveloping all who grow near

with love

and safe refuge from the storms



dani harris
Inspiration piece

i wonder what they say?


in the quiet of the night

when the Moon is full

not a star can be seen

because the Moon outshines them all


with the first blush of pink

in the morning sky

i wonder what the Sun says

to the Moon as he passes by?


in the quiet of the night

when the Moon is partially hidden

you may see a little twinkle

of a lonely star here or there


when the Moon is on

one side of the world

and the Sun is on the other

i wonder who they talk to?


in the quiet of the night

when the Moon is but a sliver

the sky becomes full of stars

dancing with delight


when the Sun is setting

and the Moon is nigh

i wonder what he says to her

as they pass each other by?


Ainsley Allmark
response piece


We hope you enjoyed reading this as much as we enjoyed writing and working with the photographs.

You can take a look at the originals of these two offerings on the Spark site
dani's is here
and mine is here

Look at the whole
web site

You can see more of dani's works on her blog page
Well worth taking a look.


  1. thank you, Ainsley ~ i thoroughly enjoyed collaborating with you again. and thank you for the kind referral to my blog.
    dani ♥

  2. Thank you dani ♥ it was my honour and privilege to work with you on this collaboration - I am looking forward to doing again somewhen soon ♥
